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Remembering Joseph Pilates, the Man Who Revolutionized Fitness

As Pilates teachers, we owe a great deal to our professional parents and therefore to Joseph & Clara Pilates. Their innovative system of exercises has completely changed the landscape of fitness. But there’s so much more to Pilates than impressive physical results. This article serves as a tribute to Joe & Clara offering an expanded perspective on the holistic vision of the Pilates Method.

Who was Joseph Pilates?


Joseph Hubertus Pilates, known to many as simply "Joe," was a German visionary of health and the creator of the Pilates Method, which in its days was called Contrology. A well-designed system of exercises, based on concepts, philosophies, common sense and science like no other in the world.

Joseph Pilates: his early life


Joe was born on December 9, 1883, in Mönchengladbach, Germany, and was a sickly child who suffered from asthma, rickets, and rheumatic fever. Despite his physical challenges, Joe was committed to improve his health defying all odds and spent much of his youth practicing various sports, including yoga, martial arts, gymnastics, self-defense, and bodybuilding. He also showed immense interest in the anatomy and the physiology of the human body. According to Mary Bowen, Joseph Pilates had based his Method on observing the movement pattern of a baby and a cat.


World War I and Joe Pilates


It is during World War 1 that Joseph Pilates shaped and designed his Method more precisely. Joe was in England at the outbreak of the war, and as a German citizen, he was arrested and sent to a prisoner of war camp on the Isle of Man. During his imprisonment of a little over 4 years, Joe had the luxury of time to develop his unique exercise method and test his exercise system, which he later called "Contrology."


Joe made use of his time in the camp by working with other prisoners who were injured or ill, helping them to regain their strength and mobility through innovative exercise. He drew inspiration from various sources to create a series of exercises that emphasized on controlled movements that could restore, revive, and empower people under any circumstances. All it took is a body, a floor and some fresh air.  

 Pilates after the war


After the war, Joe continued to develop his method and expanded his Method from the experience on the Isle of Man to a more holistic approach to fitness including the power of the mind. He believed that the mind and body are interconnected, and that conscious control of movement is essential for optimal health and wellbeing. He also emphasized the importance of breathing, full body commitment and full body health. Joe strongly believed that his method could help people of all ages and fitness levels to become the architect of their own happiness and that physical fitness was the first pre-requisite to happiness!

Joseph Pilates: His life in New York


In the early 20’, Pilates emigrated to the United States. That is where he met his wife, Clara, on the boat that brought him to New York City, where they opened their studio and began teaching the Pilates Method to a new generation of clients including lawyers, dancers and performers looking to improve their physical capabilities and overall fitness.


Pilates was determined to provide physical training and rehabilitation that changes people’s life forever. He designed and developed specialized equipment such as the Universal Reformer, the Cadillac, and the Wunda Chair to name a few of the most known. The introduction of his tailor-made equipment massively complemented his exercise method performed on the floor on a mat. Joe’s traditional equipment enabled people to benefit from further support and stimulation to help people achieve greater control over their bodies for greater lasting results. The first-generation fitness industry were revolutionized!


Pilates' popularity grew over time, attracting athletes, actors, and people with physical disabilities to his studio. His exercise method became famous for its emphasis on core strength, efficient movement patterns, and proper alignment, not only for physical fitness but also for injury prevention and stress reduction, giving people an invaluable sense of well-being.


Joseph Pilates continued to teach and refine his method until his death in 1967. Following his passing, his wife, Clara, and an official group of devoted students carried on his legacy. These students are known to be Carola Trier, Eve Gentry, Bruce King, Romana Kryzanowska, Kathleen Standford Grant, Ron Fletcher, Lolita San Miguel, Mary Bowen, Bob Seeds, Robert Fitzgerald and Jay Grimes to name the most commonly known ones, who all contributed to the immense success the Pilates Method is experiencing today.  

Joseph Pilates’ Method: Contrology


Contrology is the complete coordination of body, mind and spirit. A system of exercises that purposely acquire complete control of your body which naturally leads to internal harmony and happiness.


Joseph Pilates was convinced that the mind and body are interdependent, and that conscious control of movement is essential for optimal health and wellbeing. He believed that the entire world should be doing his exercises, as people would be happier, and the world would become a better and more peaceful place.

Joseph Pilates’ vision on fitness

Joseph Pilates was known for his unique and holistic approach to fitness that focused on developing the body, mind, and spirit. He believed that physical fitness was essential for maintaining good health and preventing illness, and that it was necessary to combine exercise with mental and spiritual well-being.


The Pilates method was designed to promote strength, flexibility, and balance, with a focus on inner strength and efficient movement patterns. Joseph Pilates believed that by strengthening the body and its organs, individuals could improve their posture, prevent injuries, and increase overall physical fitness. Joe Pilates also emphasized the importance of proper breathing and mindfulness, teaching his students to stay present in the moment during exercise always using the ”whole body” making the most of every repetition as repetition is the mother of all mastery.


Beyond exercise, Joseph Pilates also advocated for a healthy lifestyle, including insights balancing work-rest-play. Today we would be calling that our work-life-balance! He believed that fitness was not just about physical exercise, but about taking care of our physical body, our mental body and our spiritual body. Overall, Joe’s vision of fitness was one that emphasized the integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being and that health was a choice that required work!

Joseph Pilates’ method nowadays


Today, the Pilates Method has evolved to being practiced by millions of people around the world. Joseph Pilates' legacy has been honored and continued by thousands of certified instructors who teach his method, respecting his traditional teaching but also adapting and innovating it to suit the needs of today’s challenges. The Pilates Method has also been embraced by medical professionals as a means of rehabilitating patients with injuries and chronic conditions.  While the core principles of the practice remain the same, since the pandemic it is now practiced in a variety of settings, including online which has helped the Method to grow exponentially. Thanks to professional digitalizing, the Pilates instructors were able to actively contribute to Joseph’s biggest visions which was that Pilates should be introduced into every household and that everybody should be doing his exercises.

In Conclusion: Honoring the Legacy Through IVA Pilates

Joseph Pilates was a visionary whose holistic approach to fitness has left an indelible mark on the world of exercise. His method continues to bring joy, health, and vitality to countless individuals. At IVA Pilates, we carry forward Joe's vision, fostering a future of mindful movement and holistic well-being that serves people. Through our practice and teaching, we wish to honor Joe and Clara Pilates, ensuring that their revolutionary vision continues to inspire and transform lives. We strongly believe that together we can continue to shape the future of Pilates in a meaningful way contributing to people’s well-being transforming lives. Let us all co-actively be part of a movement that will contribute to Joe’s original visions that the whole world should be doing his exercises to create a happier and healthier world for the many generations to come.  


Joseph Pilates: The Man Who Changed the World of Fitness and Body Conditioning

Discover Joseph Pilates' life & philosophy: the holistic vision of the Pilates Method.
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Why Habits Matter?

As a Pilates teacher, you're passionate about helping your students to achieve their health and fitness goals.  But true transformation goes beyond mastering technique in the studio.  It's about fostering habits, those automated behaviors that become ingrained in our daily activities. Imagine starting a day with gentle stretches automatically, with no internal struggle or negotiation. That's the power of good habits! They become the silent drivers of positive change for your students, influencing their well-being long after they leave the studio.

This blog post, leveraging the science of habit formation, explores practical strategies you can use to empower your students to build healthy habits that stick. By equipping them with the tools to automate behaviors, you'll be helping them create a lasting impact on their health and well-being, not just within the walls of your Pilates studio, but throughout their everyday lives.

Understanding the Habit Loop: Your Key to Empowering Students

Just like mastering any Pilates move, building good habits takes a bit of understanding. Here, we'll explore Charles Duhigg's concept of the habit loop, a simple model that breaks down how habits form:


The Habit Loop - 3 Key Stages: 

  • Cue: This is the trigger that sets the habit in motion. It can be anything from seeing your workout clothes to hearing a specific song.
  • Routine: This is the actual behavior itself, like performing a series of Pilates exercises.
  • Reward: This is the positive reinforcement that strengthens the link between the cue and the routine. It's the good feeling you get after doing the behavior that makes you want to repeat it.

Why is this important for Pilates teachers?

By understanding the habit loop, you can help your students design their own routines and identify their personal rewards. This makes it more likely that the positive behaviors learned in Pilates will stick with them outside the studio.


Applying the Habit Loop in Your Pilates Teaching:


  • Help students find their cues. Maybe it's setting a specific reminder on their phone or placing their yoga mat in a visible spot.
  • Focus on small, achievable routines. It's better to start with 2 minutes of daily stretches than aiming for an hour-long workout that never takes place
  • Plan for the reward! Encourage students to identify what feels good after practicing Pilates - a little victory dance, a smile, or maybe playing their favorite music. It doesn't have to be big, but it should be something truly enjoyable to reinforce the positive association with the routine.

 Remember: Consistency is key! The more your students repeat the loop (cue, routine, reward), the stronger the habit becomes.


Strategies for Building Lasting Habits:


1. Find the "Why" Behind the Practice:

Every journey starts with a reason. Help your students uncover their personal motivations for practicing Pilates. Do they want to improve flexibility for easier gardening? Are they looking to build strength to keep up with their energetic grandkids? The key is to ask open-ended questions that encourage them to visualize the benefits and positive feelings that come with achieving their goals.

Here's how to apply this in your teaching:

  • Instead of telling: "Practice your core exercises at home,"
  • Ask:  "Do you ever feel back pain after a long day? Strengthening your core can help improve posture and reduce discomfort. How would that make you feel?"

By connecting Pilates practice to their personal "why", you'll ignite intrinsic motivation, the kind that comes from within and fuels long-term commitment to their Pilates routine.


2. Create a System, Not Just Reliance on Willpower:

We all know willpower can be a fickle friend.That's why creating a system, a structured approach, is key for building lasting habits. Here's how you can help your students establish one for their Pilates practice:

The Power of Systems:

A system considers all the factors that can influence whether your students stick to their practice. These factors can be positive (motivation, convenience) or negative (lack of time, distractions). By creating a system that mitigates the negative and leverages the positive, you'll increase the chances of success.


  • Scheduling: Encourage students to schedule their home Pilates practice just like they would a doctor's appointment or important meeting. Treat it as a non-negotiable commitment.
  • Reduce Friction: Help them remove any obstacles that might prevent practice. For example, suggest they lay out their workout clothes the night before or pack their yoga mat for their lunch break.
  • Stack Habits: This involves "piggybacking" a new habit onto an existing routine. Suggest practicing some stretches after brushing their teeth or doing a few core exercises while waiting for the kettle to boil. By linking a new behavior to a familiar one, it becomes easier to integrate into their daily life.


3. Start Small and Celebrate Wins:


Building momentum is crucial for lasting habit formation. Think of it like rolling a snowball downhill. The bigger it gets, the easier it is to keep rolling. That's why starting with small, achievable goals is so important.


Here's why:

  • Confidence Boost: When students successfully complete a manageable task, they experience aconfidence boost. This fuels motivation and makes them more likely to continue.
  • Less Overwhelming: Big, ambitious goals can feel daunting and lead to discouragement. Starting small makes the habit feel manageable and less likely to be abandoned.

How to Apply It:


  • Break Down Goals: Encourage students to break down their larger goals into smaller, daily-achievable steps.
  • Celebrate Every Win: Acknowledge and celebrate even small victories, like completing a 5-minute exercise routine or simply remembering to pack their mat. This reinforces the positive association with the behavior.

4. Positive Reinforcement and Celebration:


Remember the habit loop? The reward is a crucial element that strengthens the association between the cue and the routine. Positive reinforcement, acknowledging progress and celebrating successes, plays a key role in making a habit stick.


Why It's Helpful:

  • Motivational Tool: Positive reinforcement triggers the release of dopamine, a feel-good neurotransmitter that motivates us to repeat the desired behavior.
  • Sense of Accomplishment: Acknowledging progress, even small wins, fosters a sense of accomplishment and keeps students engaged in the long run.

Sharing with Classmates: Create a safe space for students to share their accomplishments with classmates. This fosters a sense of community and collective motivation.


Be Their Champion, Not Just Their Pilates Teacher:

As a Pilates teacher, you have the unique opportunity to become more than an instructor – you can be a supportive coach who empowers students to create lasting changes. By helping them identify their triggers, the cues that can derail their good intentions, and develop strategies to overcome them, you'll strengthen their commitment to positive changes.

Empowering your students to build a consistent Pilates practice, fueled by good habits, leads to a more impactful and fulfilling teaching experience for you. Ultimately, it empowers them to achieve their health and wellness goals, creating a ripple effect of positive change that extends far beyond the studio.

Written by Margot Hiller, Certified Coach specializing in lasting health and wellness transformations, collaborating with IVA Pilates.

Recommended readings and resources:

  • James Clear's "Atomic Habits”
  • BJ Fogg's "Tiny Habits"  

Support, Not Just Instruction: The Habit-Building Guide for Pilates Teachers

This guide helps Pilates teachers build lasting habits for better health & well-being of their clients. Learn how to create routines, celebrate wins & keep clients motivated.
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Pilates isn't just about physical exercise - it's a journey of self-discovery and transformation. In this interview with Iva Mazzoleni, founder of IVA Pilates, we delve into her inspiring story and discover how her unique approach to Pilates can empower you to reach your full potential. Whether you're a Pilates teacher seeking to elevate your practice or someone curious about the transformative power of movement, this interview offers valuable insights and real-life examples to inspire you.

From Personal Transformation to Inspiring Others

Iva Mazzoleni's journey to Pilates wasn't typical. Born in Switzerland to a Swiss-Italian father and a Swiss-French mother, she was expected to follow a business path. "Entrepreneurship was woven into my DNA," Iva says with a laugh. "My parents had it all mapped out – economics and international finance." However, a deep calling for a different path led her to explore sport and exercise science.

M: What changed your path?

Iva: This decision was fueled by a lifelong fascination with the human body's potential. During my studies in Australia, a neck and shoulder injury led me to discover Pilates. It wasn't love at first sight, but something kept drawing me back.

"Pilates offered a sense of wholeness and care through movement, unlike anything I'd experienced before," Iva recalls. "I wasn't just using my body; I was learning to care for it."

Pilates had a profound impact on Iva's life, igniting her passion to share it with others. "Witnessing firsthand how amazing Pilates made me feel, how it supported my body through simple yet effective movements, was astonishing" she shares. "The results were undeniable – improved immunity, overall well-being – and I knew I had to share this power."

Beyond the Exercises: Embracing a Philosophy

M: How did Pilates transform your understanding of fitness and well-being?

Iva: I had always known how to perform with my body, but learning to care for it through movement and a philosophy that caters to both rehabilitation and performance was remarkable.

"It was about understanding the philosophy behind movement, the way Joseph Pilates envisioned it: as a way to heal and empower."

For the past 22 years, I have explored these concepts. Even now, I continue to uncover the beauty of our bodies and the profound connection between mind and movement. Pilates has been a journey of self-discovery, embracing the limitless potential of the body, and living a prosperous and joyful life.

A Memorable Encounter: Deepening Her Practice

A pivotal moment in Iva's journey was meeting the esteemed Lolita San Miguel in 2012.

"It wasn't just about learning new techniques," Iva recalls, her eyes sparkling. "It was about experiencing Pilates as a way of living. This immersion, just after giving birth to my first daughter, Lia, became a powerful catalyst for growth. Within only three days, I was moving in ways I never thought possible. It showed me the incredible transformations that can happen when we focus on the journey, not just the destination."

Tailoring the Practice: A Client-Centered Approach

M: How do you tailor your teaching to meet the unique needs of each client?

Iva: In over 20 years of teaching Pilates, I've learned that clients need to be seen, heard, and understood.

"Each session begins with truly seeing the client," she explains. "I listen to their goals, assess their current state, and envision a path to their full potential. It's more than just following a set routine; it's about understanding the deeper needs of each individual."

This approach sets Iva apart from instructors who take a "one-size-fits-all" mentality. It enables clients to experience transformative changes, moving them from where they are to where they aspire to be.

Witnessing Transformations: Powerful Success Stories

Iva's passion translates into real results for her clients. She shares a moving story about a client who had been paraplegic for seven years. "Doctors told him he'd never walk again," Iva says with awe. "Through dedicated training, focusing on reconnecting with his body, he defied expectations. He eventually stood and even walked on a treadmill!" Another client, weakened by cancer treatments, sought Iva's help. With patience and a holistic approach, they transformed his health. "Today, at nearly 80, he climbs mountains and lives life to the fullest," Iva beams. These stories exemplify the transformative power of Pilates that extends far beyond physical exercise.

Unlocking Potential: The Power of Chest Expansion

M: Tell us about your personal Pilates practice –what is your favorite exercise?

Iva: Picking a favorite is challenging. However, one exercise stands out to me: chest expansion. Chest expansion has a distinct and powerful intent. This simple movement opens the chest, allowing the lungs and body to thrive. Energetically, it aligns key chakras, fostering courage and bravery. Research from Harvard even supports this, showing that maintaining an open posture can enhance mood, reduce stress, and boost confidence. For these reasons, chest expansion holds a special place in my Pilates practice. It exemplifies how the right posture can lead to transformative results, both physically and energetically.

"Incorporating chest expansion into every class is crucial," Iva emphasizes. "It's a simple yet powerful way to unlock potential and embrace a positive mindset." 

The Mind-Body Connection: The Significance of Mindset

M: How important is mindset in the practice and teaching of Pilates?

Iva: Mindset is paramount. I believe that 80% of teaching Pilates involves understanding psychology, while only 20% pertains to mechanics and movements.

"Pilates isn't just about mechanics; it's about working with the whole person, not just their body."

Recognizing the connection between thoughts, emotions, and physical outcomes is what separates a good instructor from an exceptional one.

M: How do you help clients cultivate a positive mindset?

Iva: By embodying it myself. I walk the talk, living the principles I teach. It's not about words; it's about demonstrating a high-energy state, a 'beautiful state' as I call it, where I'm mindful of the patterns that elevate or deplete me. This dedication to living a holistic life extends beyond the Pilates studio, creating a powerful and authentic teaching environment where clients can see that Pilates is a lifestyle, not just a set of exercises.

Building a Global Community: The Birth of IVA Pilates

Iva's desire to share her knowledge and passion on a larger scale led to the creation of IVA Pilates.

Iva: The limitations of face-to-face interaction frustrated me. I wanted to reach more people and empower them on their Pilates journeys. The COVID-19 pandemic further underscored the potential of the virtual world.

"IVA Pilates is my way of fulfilling this mission, helping to cultivate a healthier and happier world."

Beyond Technique: The IVA Pilates Difference

M: What makes IVA Pilates unique?

Iva: We provide a platform for continuous learning, encouraging instructors to discover their own unique path with Pilates. Our unwavering commitment to fostering a thriving online community goes beyond technical skills, incorporating elements of psychology, mindfulness practices, and even business acumen.

"Our goal is to empower you to not only live your passion but also achieve success in your Pilates business," Iva explains.


A Legacy of Inspiration

IVA Pilates is more than just an online platform; it's a vibrant community where dreams are realized, growth is encouraged, and the well-being of every individual is a priority. Through her passion, dedication, and deep understanding of the human body and mind, Iva Mazzoleni continues to inspire and transform lives, one Pilates session at a time.

Iva Mazzoleni's story is a testament to the transformative power of Pilates. And her journey continues. Join the vibrant IVA Pilates community and discover a world of resources, educational events, and a supportive network of fellow Pilates enthusiasts. Explore our membership options and take your Pilates practice – and your life – to the next level.


The Journey Just Starts: Meet Iva, the Soul of IVA Pilates

Discover Iva Mazzoleni's inspiring Pilates journey & how her unique approach impacts lives. Unlocking potential, mindset, & more! Pilates beyond exercise.
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As Pilates teachers, we dedicate ourselves to helping our clients achieve optimal health and well-being. We guide the students through movement, ensuring correct positioning and alignment, and motivate them to extend their limits. But sometimes, the key to unlocking their full potential lies outside the Pilates studio: in the quality of their sleep.


This blog post dives deep into the importance of sleep: we'll explore how sleep impacts various aspects of health and well-being, discover the consequences of sleep deprivation, and learn the recommended sleep duration. Finally, we'll offer practical tips to help you and your clients prioritize sleep hygiene and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the day.


By understanding the power of sleep, you can become a more well-rounded wellness expert, guide your clients beyond the Pilates mat, and empower them to live a more fulfilling life.


The Critical Role of Sleep


Maintaining adequate sleep isn't a luxury; it's a biological necessity. During sleep, a cascade of essential activities occur within the body. Here are just a few:


Memory Consolidation: Sleep allows the brain to solidify newly learned information, transforming short-term memories into long-term ones.

Hormonal Regulation: Sleep plays a vital role in regulating hormones that control hunger, stress, growth, and metabolism. Proper sleep ensures your clients blood sugar levels are more stable, they feel energized throughout the day, and have fewer unhealthy cravings. 

Cellular Repair and Growth: Deep sleep triggers the release of growth hormone, essential for tissue repair and muscle growth. This is particularly important for clients recovering from injuries or aiming to build strength and endurance through Pilates practice.

Benefits of Quality Sleep

Prioritizing sleep offers a multitude of benefits that extend far beyond the Pilates studio walls. Here's how both you and your clients can reap the rewards of a good night's sleep:


Increased Energy and Focus: Waking up well-rested allows you to bring your A-game to every Pilates session. You'll have the energy to demonstrate exercises with precision, offer insightful corrections, and maintain a strong, motivating presence in the studio. Similarly, your clients will experience improved focus and concentration during Pilates classes, leading to better technique and faster progress.

Enhanced Mood and Emotional Well-being: Sleep deprivation can wreak havoc on your emotional state, contributing to feelings of irritability, anxiety, and even depression. By prioritizing sleep, you can foster a sense of calm and positivity in the classroom, creating a welcoming environment for your clients. Additionally, well-rested clients will experience a more balanced mood, better managing stress and enjoying their Pilates practice even more. 

Strengthened Immune System: Sleep plays a crucial role in immune function. When you're well-rested, your body produces more white blood cells, the soldiers that fight off illness and infection. This becomes even more important for Pilates teachers who are constantly interacting with clients and potentially exposed to various germs.


The Dark Side of Sleep Deprivation


While the benefits of quality sleep are undeniable, the consequences of sleep deprivation are equally concerning. Here are some potential risks associated with not getting enough sleep:


Weight Gain: Sleep deprivation can disrupt hormonal regulation, leading to increased appetite and cravings for unhealthy, high-calorie foods. This can hinder weight management efforts and even lead to weight gain.

Increased Risk of Chronic Diseases: Chronic sleep deprivation puts you at a higher risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Cognitive Decline: When you don't get enough sleep, your brain struggles to process information effectively. This can lead to difficulty learning new things, brain fog, and reduced creativity.


How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?


The recommended amount of sleep varies depending on age. Here's a quick guide:


Adults (18-64 years old): 7-9 hours per night

Teenagers (14-17 years old): 8-10 hours per night

Children (3-13 years old): 9-11 hours per night

Toddlers (1-2 years old): 11-14 hours per night

Babies (4-12 months old): 12-18 hours per night


Individual needs will also vary, depending on various factors including gender or activity level. Try experimenting with your sleep patterns to find out what works best for you and your specific needs.


Tips for Better Sleep Hygiene


As a Pilates teacher who understands the importance of sleep for yourself and your clients, you can play a crucial role in promoting healthy sleep habits. Here are some practical tips you can share:


Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine: Establish a consistent sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up at roughly the same time each day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body's natural sleep-wake cycle. In the hour before bed, wind down with calming activities like reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing light stretches. Avoid stimulating activities like watching TV, working on your computer, or scrolling through social media, as the blue light emitted from electronic devices can interfere with sleep.

Optimize Your Sleep Environment: Ensure your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet. Invest in blackout curtains to block out light, use earplugs or a white noise machine to mask any disruptive sounds, and keep the room at a comfortable temperature (around 18°C/65°F).


Upgrade Your Sleep Sanctuary: Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows that provide proper support. Consider using breathable, natural fabrics for your bedding to regulate temperature and wick away moisture.


Develop a Calming Pre-Sleep Ritual:  Incorporate a relaxing ritual into your bedtime routine, such as taking a warm bath with lavender essential oil, practicing gentle yoga or meditation, or listening to calming music. These activities signal to your body that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep.


Power Down Electronics: Avoid using electronic devices for at least an hour before bed. The blue light emitted by screens can suppress melatonin production, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. Opt for reading a book or listening to calming music instead.


Limit Caffeine and Alcohol: While caffeine can provide a temporary energy boost, it can disrupt sleep later in the day. Avoid consuming caffeine-containing beverages like coffee, tea, and soda in the afternoon and evening. Similarly, while alcohol may make you feel drowsy initially, it disrupts sleep quality throughout the night.


Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity can significantly improve sleep quality. However, avoid vigorous workouts close to bedtime, as they can leave you feeling too energized to fall asleep easily. Aim for moderate-intensity exercise earlier in the day.


Manage Stress: Chronic stress can wreak havoc on your sleep. If you find yourself struggling to unwind at night, consider incorporating stress-management techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises into your daily routine.


See a Doctor if Needed: If you've tried these tips and still experience sleep problems, consult a doctor. They can rule out any underlying medical conditions that might be affecting your sleep and recommend additional treatment options.


Educate Your Clients


By incorporating these tips into your Pilates classes and conversations with clients, you can empower them to prioritize sleep and experience the numerous benefits it offers. If you notice sleep is an issue for your clients, consider dedicating a portion of your class to discussing the importance of sleep and sharing some practical sleep hygiene techniques. You can even create educational handouts or online resources for your clients to reference.


Prioritizing sleep is a cornerstone of overall health and well-being for both you and your Pilates clients. By understanding the science behind sleep and implementing these practical tips, you can create a foundation for optimal performance and well-being. Remember, a well-rested Pilates teacher is a more effective instructor, and a well-rested client is a more engaged and happy client. So, make sleep a priority, and watch the positive impacts ripple through your Pilates practice and your clients' lives.


Looking for more ways to support your clients' holistic well-being? Explore IVA's Inner Circle memberships that equip you with the knowledge and skills to go beyond the physical aspects of Pilates and become a true wellness expert for your clients. Contact us today to learn more!

Rest, Recharge, Rejuvenate: Why Sleep Matters for You and Your Clients

Unlock complete wellbeing! Discover how quality sleep boosts energy, focus & health for Pilates instructors & their clients. Learn practical tips for better sleep hygiene.
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As Pilates teachers, we understand the profound impact of movement on our clients' physical well-being. But the breath, often relegated to a secondary concern, holds immense power in unlocking a deeper and more transformative Pilates experience. This article delves into the science behind breathwork, its connection to the nervous system and pain management, and equips you with practical strategies to seamlessly integrate breathwork into your Pilates instruction.


The Science of Breath: Fueling Movement andTransformation


Our breath is a cornerstone of life, but its intricate dance often goes unnoticed.  The diaphragm, adome-shaped muscle below the lungs, plays a starring role. When we inhale, the diaphragm contracts, expanding the chest cavity and drawing air in. Exhalation involves diaphragm relaxation, pushing air out. This seemingly simple process fuels cellular respiration, the engine that powers our movements.


Beyond oxygen exchange, breath is intricately linked to the nervous system. Shallow, rapid breaths often accompany stress, triggering the sympathetic nervous system's "fight-or-flight" response. Conversely, deep, diaphragmatic breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and calmness. This knowledge empowers you to use breathwork strategically during Pilates sessions, optimizing both physical performance and emotional well-being for your clients.


Pain management is another area where breathwork shines. By guiding clients to focus on slow, controlled breaths, you can help them distract from pain signals and activate the body's natural pain-relieving mechanisms.  This is particularly valuable for clients with chronic pain conditions or recovering from injuries.


Cultivating Breath Awareness and Control in Your Clients


Integrating breathwork effectively requires going beyond simply reminding clients to breathe. Here are strategies to cultivate awareness and control:


From Awareness to Mastery:

Begin by guiding clients to observe their natural breathing patterns during exercises. Gradually, introduce techniques like diaphragmatic breathing, focusing on belly expansion during inhalation and contraction during exhalation. Provide clear verbal cues and tactile demonstrations to ensure understanding.


Matching Breath to Movement:

Synchronize breath with specific exercises. For instance, instruct clients to inhale as they lengthen their spine, and exhale as they curl their spine down. This coordination enhances movement control, core engagement, and fosters a deeper mind-body connection.  Consider incorporating visual aids or imagery to illustrate the breath-movement connection.


Addressing Common Challenges:  

Anticipate and address common challenges. Clients might hold their breath during exertion. Gently remind them to exhale on effort and inhale during recovery phases. Another common issue is mouth breathing. Encourage nose breathing for optimal oxygen intake and air filtration.  Offer modifications for clients who struggle with specific breathing patterns.


Beyond Technique:

The Breath as a Tool for Focus and Flow:  Proper breathing fosters concentration and creates a sense of flow during Pilates sessions.  As clients focus on their breath, distracting thoughts diminish, allowing them to be fully present in the moment and appreciate the nuanced movements of Pilates. This mindful approach fosters a deeper connection between the breath, movement, and the present moment.


Transforming Your Clients' Pilates Journey Through Breathwork


The impact of breathwork in Pilates extends far beyond technical proficiency. Let's explore how breathwork can elevate your clients' experience:


Pain Management:  

As discussed earlier, breathwork can be a powerful tool for pain management. By incorporating focused breathing exercises into their Pilates routine, clients can experience significant pain reduction and improved mobility.


Stress Reduction and Emotional Well-being:  

Our modern lives are often filled with stress.  By integrating breathwork into your Pilates instruction, you equip clients with a valuable tool for managing stress and anxiety, fostering emotional well-being, and achieving inner peace.  This can have a ripple effect on their overall quality of life.


Enhanced Focus and Concentration:  

Breathwork can sharpen focus and enhance concentration.  This benefit extends beyond the Pilates studio, positively impacting clients' daily lives, whether they are students, professionals, or individuals seeking to improve mental clarity.  By incorporating breathwork, you empower them to approach daily tasks with greater focus and productivity.


Improved Sleep Quality:

Just as breathwork promotes relaxation during Pilates, incorporating mindful breathing exercises before bed can significantly improve sleep quality.Techniques like alternate nostril breathing or 4-7-8 breathing can calm the mind and prepare the body for restful sleep. Improved sleep, in turn, contributes to better overall health and well-being.

Expanding Your Teaching Toolkit: Breathwork Beyond the Pilates Studio


Empower your clients to integrate the benefits of breathwork beyond their Pilates sessions.  Here are some suggestions:


Recommend Resources:

Share resources on breathwork techniques and their benefits. Recommend apps, online tutorials, or books that delve deeper into the practice.  This empowers clients to continue their exploration of breathwork independently.


Home Practice Recommendations:

Encourage clients to incorporate short breathing exercises into their daily routines.  Offer modifications for different needs and abilities.  For instance, suggest clients practice diaphragmatic breathing for a few minutes before work to manage stressor before bed to promote relaxation. Provide variations suitable for clients with limitations, such as seated breathing exercises for those with mobility restrictions.


Connect Breathwork to Daily Life:  

Help clients understand how breathwork can be applied to manage stress in everyday situations.  Guide them to recognize moments when their breathing becomes shallow or rapid, such as during a traffic jam or a work deadline.  Teach them simple breathing techniques they can use in those moments to calm their nervous system and regain focus.  Additionally, explore how breathwork can enhance focus during study sessions or promote relaxation before a presentation.




By integrating breathwork into your Pilates practice and teaching, you elevate your offer from mere physical exercise to a holistic practice for mind, body, and spirit.  As you guide your clients on this journey of mindful movement and breathwork, you empower them to unlock a deeper level of body awareness, manage stress more effectively, and experience lasting well-being that transcends the Pilates studio walls.  Breathwork becomes a powerful tool they can carry with them throughout their daily lives, promoting not just physical strength and flexibility, but also mental clarity, emotional resilience, and a profound sense of inner peace.


At IVA Pilates, we believe in and teach a holistic approach to Pilates, and breathwork is one of the elements we pay close attention to. It's not just about the physical movements; it's about the connection between mind, body, and breath that unlocks infinite strength.


Ready to elevate your Pilates instruction and empower your clients through breathwork? Here are some steps to get started:


- Deepen your own understanding: Explore breathwork techniques and their applications in Pilates through workshops, online courses, or reading relevant books


- Practice what you preach: Integrate breathwork into your own Pilates practice to gain a deeper personal experience and refine your ability to guide clients.


- Start small and be patient: Introduce breathwork gradually into your classes, allowing clients tobuild awareness and control over time.


- Celebrate progress: Acknowledge and celebrate your clients' improvements in breathwork, no matter how small.


To gain access to even more resources and support for integrating breathwork into your Pilates practice and teaching, consider joining the IVA’ Pilates Inner Circle. This exclusive community provides access to in-depth workshops, downloadable guides, and a network of like-minded teachers who share your passion for holistic Pilates.


By incorporating these steps and the strategies outlined above, you can transform your Pilates teaching and empower your clients to embark on a transformative journey of mindful movement and breathwork. So, take a deep breath, join the IVA’ Pilates community, and unlock the full potential of Pilates for yourself and your clients.

Beyond the Moves: Why Breath is Essential for Powerful Pilates

Breathe Deep, Move Deep! Learn why breath is essential for powerful Pilates & how to integrate breathwork for a transformative experience [IVA’Pilates]
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Chronic pain can steal the joy from movement and leave you feeling trapped in your own body. We often seek help from physical therapists or osteopaths, hoping their expertise can provide relief. While their focus on mechanics and movement patterns is crucial, it's just one piece of the puzzle.

Imagine chronic pain as a complex tapestry. The physical issues, like misaligned joints and tight muscles, are the visible threads. But beneath the surface lie hidden factors – psychological anxieties, social stressors, and past experiences – all influencing the overall pain experience.

This blog post, based on an exclusive interview with Dr. Michael Vianin  for IVA' Pilates explores the dispositional model, which considers these hidden factors. By incorporating this model, Pilates instructors can understand the unique story behind each client's pain and create a holistic approach to pain management.

The Power of Perception

Imagine two people with similar injuries. One winces at every twinge, imagining the worst, while the other focuses on recovery with a positive outlook. Why the difference?

The answer lies in perception. Our psychology, social environment, and personal history shape how we experience pain. Anxiety can amplify pain, while past traumas can increase sensitivity.

The Untold Story: A Glimpse into a Client's Journey

Consider Sarah, a client with chronic knee pain. The standard approach might assess her biomechanics and muscle imbalances. But what if there's more to the story?

Maybe Sarah recently went through a stressful divorce and feels overwhelmed. Perhaps she has a demanding job and struggles with sleep. These factors can influence her pain perception and slow her healing process.

Tailoring the Pilates Experience: Beyond Exercise

The beauty of the dispositional model is its ability to go beyond a one-size-fits-all approach. By understanding a client's dispositions, a Pilates instructor can become a more effective guide. Here's how:

  • Stress Busters: Techniques like diaphragmatic breathing and mindfulness exercises can be powerful tools for managing stress, a known contributor to pain.
  • Sleep Soothers: Regular Pilates practice, with its emphasis on controlled movements and deep breathing, can promote better sleep quality, leading to reduced inflammation and improved pain tolerance.
  • Movement Matters: For individuals with pain, Pilates offers a safe and controlled way to increase activity levels and improve physical function. This empowers them to move with confidence, potentially reducing their reliance on pain medication.

Building the Bridge: The Therapeutic Alliance

Dr. Michael Vianin, a specialist in chronic pain management, emphasizes the importance of building a strong therapeutic alliance with clients. This goes beyond prescribing exercises. It's about fostering trust, respect, and shared goals.

A client who feels judged or misunderstood is less likely to follow treatment plans and may progress slowly. In contrast, a strong therapeutic alliance creates a safe space for open communication, making clients feel heard and understood. This sense of partnership fosters better adherence to exercise programs and leads to improved outcomes.

The Human Touch in a Digital Age

While technology offers advancements in pain management, Dr. Vianin reminds us of the irreplaceable role of human connection. Building rapport, understanding a client's story, and tailoring an approach based on their unique needs sets a skilled Pilates instructor apart from a generic app.

A Journey of Discovery

The dispositional model is a valuable tool for Pilates instructors, but it's just the beginning. Understanding the complex interplay between various factors influencing pain requires ongoing exploration. Dr. Vianin's book offers insights and practical tools for those seeking to delve deeper into this area.

Embrace the Whole Person: The Path to Lasting Pain Relief

Chronic pain is complex with no one-size-fits-all solution. By incorporating the dispositional model, Pilates instructors can address the root causes of pain, not just the symptoms.

Imagine Sarah again, our client with chronic knee pain. Through open communication and a focus on the dispositional model, her teacher uncovers the hidden threads in her pain. They discover her sleep struggles and the emotional toll of recent life changes.

The teacher tailors a program that includes gentle stretches and strengthening exercises for her knee, along with mindfulness and breathwork to combat stress. They also suggest sleep hygiene practices to improve her sleep quality.

This holistic approach acknowledges that Sarah's pain is multifaceted. By addressing physical, emotional, and social factors, the instructor empowers Sarah to take an active role in her healing.

The Ripple Effect: Transforming Lives Through Movement

Incorporating the dispositional model extends beyond pain management:

  • Empowerment and Self-Efficacy: Understanding the factors influencing their pain empowers clients to make positive lifestyle changes, fostering a sense of self-efficacy.
  • Improved Quality of Life: By addressing the root causes of pain,  teachers help clients reclaim their lives and move with greater ease and confidence.
  • Building a Supportive Community: A strong therapeutic alliance fosters trust and support, encouraging clients to build a broader support network.

A Call to Action: Unveil the Hidden Stories

The dispositional model opens a new chapter in main management, acknowledging the complexity of chronic pain and empowering teachers to become detectives of discomfort. If you're a Pilates instructor seeking to elevate your practice and create a transformative experience for your clients, delve deeper into the dispositional model.

We highly recommend reading Dr. Vianin's book and diving into the full interview with him - accessible for our Inner Circle members! You may also consider attending workshops or conferences that explore the mind-body connection in pain management, especially if supporting clients with pain is your niche. Remember, every client who walks into your studio carries a unique story. By embracing the dispositional model and fostering a strong therapeutic alliance, you can guide them on their journey to lasting pain relief and a life filled with movement and joy.

Beyond Mechanics: Unveiling the Hidden Factors Behind Pain in Pilates Clients

Discover the dispositional model in Pilates to address chronic pain. Learn how psychological, social, and physical factors impact pain and enhance client outcomes.
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In the world of Pilates instruction, building rapport and effectively communicating with your clients is paramount. But let's face it, not every client who walks through your door is the same. Some exude confidence and a "let's do this" attitude, while others approach their first session with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Here's where the powerful tool of DISC personality styles comes in.


This blog post dives deep into the DISC model, empowering you to tailor your communication and approach to resonate with each client's unique personality. We'll explore:


·     The Fundamentals of DISC: Demystifying theDominant, Influencer, Steady, and Compliant styles.

·     Identifying Client Styles: Learn how to recognize tell-tale behaviors and preferences through observation and conversation.

·     Communication Strategies for Each Style:Discover how to tailor your message and interactions for optimal engagement.

·     Overcoming Client Hesitation: Masterfully address concerns and convert "on the fence" clients into long-term enthusiasts.


The Power of DISC: A Framework Rooted in Science


The DISC model we utilize today has a rich history. Developed by Dr. William Marston in the 1920s, it emerged from his research on human behavior and emotions.  Marston identified four fundamental behavioral tendencies that influence how individuals interact with the world around them.  The beauty of DISC lies in its simplicity and universality. Regardless of background or culture, these core styles offer a valuable framework for understanding ourselves and others.  In the context of Pilates instruction,  DISC model empowers instructors to tailor their communication and approach to effectively connect with each client, fostering trust, motivation, and ultimately, successful outcomes.


Understanding the DISC Framework:


The DISC model categorizes personalities into four distinct styles based on their natural tendencies in two key areas: dominance (directness) and influence (openness).


·     Dominant (D) Style: Decisive, direct, and action-oriented.

·     Influencer (I) Style: Enthusiastic, persuasive, and relationship-focused.

·     Steady (S) Style: Reliable, patient, and detail-oriented.

·     Compliant (C) Style: Cautious, analytical, and rule-oriented.


Identifying Your Clients' DISC Styles:


While there's no single definitive test to categorize personalities, keen observation and open-ended questions can reveal valuable clues. Let's delve deeper into recognizing each DISC style:


Dominant (D) Style:


Motivations: Bottom line results, achieving goals,efficiency.


Fears: Losing control, wasting time, inefficiency.


Behavioral Highlights:


Self-assured, confident body language (strong eye contact, direct posture).

Direct and forceful communication, time-sensitive, impatient.

Thinking: "This better be good and you better be great."

How to Identify: During consultations, Dominant clients often come prepared, focusing on specific goals and timelines. They might ask direct questions about results and may express frustration with slow progress.


Influencer (I) Style:


Motivations: Flattery, positivity, recognition, social interaction.


Fears: Rejection, boredom, negativity.


Behavioral Highlights:


Animated and verbose, charming and persuasive.

Emotional ups and downs, thrives on positive reinforcement.

Thinking: "Who else is doing it? Will it be fun?"

How to Identify: Influencer clients may arrive excited and enthusiastic, eager to discuss the benefits and social aspects of Pilates. They might ask about success stories from other clients and seek frequent praise and encouragement.


Steady (S) Style:


Motivations: Working together, supportive environment, stability.


Fears: Change, uncertainty, lack of clear instruction.


Behavioral Highlights:


Careful, calm, and patient, prefers a slow and steady approach.

Reserved, comfortable with silence, asks clarifying questions.

Thinking: "This sounds like a wonderful experience, but I'm scared."

How to Identify: Steady clients might approach their first session with a mix of cautious optimism and a desire for clear instructions and a structured plan. They may ask detailed questions about safety and long-term benefits.


Compliant (C) Style:


Motivations: Accuracy, specifics, data, rule adherence.


Fears: Conflict, criticism, lack of information.


Behavioral Highlights:


Conservative and serious, analytical and observant.

Asks questions with high standards, seeks factual evidence.

Thinking: "I need more info. This can't be right."

How to Identify: Compliant clients might appear reserved and ask in-depth questions about the science behind Pilates and  potential risks.  They may express a desire for detailed information and may require reassurance about the program's effectiveness.


Beyond Observation: Open Communication and Building Trust


Remember, these are just guidelines. Some clients may exhibit characteristics of multiple styles. Here's where open communication comes in. Don't be afraid to ask questions! Phrases like "What are your goals for Pilates?" or "What questions do you have?" can encourage conversation and reveal valuable insights.


Converting the "On the Fence" Client:


You've identified your client's DISC style, now it's time to address their potential hesitation after a trial session. Here's how to strategically tailor your approach to overcome their concerns and convert them into long-term enthusiasts:


Dominant (D) Style:

Focus on tangible results. Showcase data demonstrating improvements in strength, flexibility, or posture achieved within a specific timeframe.


Example: "Based on your progress during the trial session, we can expect your core strength to increase by X% within the next 4 weeks, allowing you to lift heavier objects with greater ease."


Influencer (I) Style:

Highlight the enjoyment and community aspect. Share success stories from other clients who found Pilates to be a fun and social experience.


Example: "You mentioned loving the energizing and positive atmosphere during the trial session. We have a fantastic community of supportive individuals who motivate and inspire each other!"


Steady (S) Style:

Provide a customized plan and clear expectations. Outline the program structure and benefits specific to their long-term goals.


Example: "Let's create a personalized plan that focuses on improving your balance and flexibility, making it easier and safer for you to participate in your favorite hobbies like gardening."


Compliant (C) Style:

Address their concerns with facts and data. Offer transparent pricing and detailed program information brochures.


Example: "I understand you have concerns about the long-term commitment. Our program offers a variety of durations to fit your needs. You can find all the details, pricing, and scientific research behindPilates on our website for further review."

By mastering the art of personalized communication through the DISC framework, you can bridge the gap between your clients' unique personalities and their Pilates journey. Remember, the DISC model is a tool, not a rigid formula. Be flexible, adapt your approach based on what resonates with each client, and celebrate their progress to reinforce their commitment.


Call to Action:


Ready to delve deeper into personalized communication and client engagement?


IVA's Inner Circle offers an extensive library of resources on psychology and communication, equipping you with the skills to connect with every client on a deeper level and transform their Pilates experience.

Go to our Community page and explore memberships options if you want to leap forward with your Pilates practice and business.


Unveiling the Power of Personalized Communication: How DISC Styles Help You Connect with Every Client

Learn how to DISC personality styles can help Pilates instructors tailor communication for each client, fostering trust, motivation & results.
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You see it all the time – clients walk into your Pilates studio carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. Tight muscles, furrowed brows, and scattered energy – the signs of chronic stress are undeniable. As a Pilates instructor, you yearn to help them find not just physical alignment, but also a sense of inner calm. But with a packed class schedule and a constant flow of needs, it can be challenging to truly connect with each client and address their underlying stress.

This blog post introduces a powerful tool that can empower you to better support your stressed clients and elevate your Pilates instruction- mindfulness. Don’t be intimidated by the label of “meditation”; mindfulness is a practical approach to living in the present moment, managing stress effectively, and enhancing emotional awareness and stability.

By cultivating mindfulness yourself, and incorporation some elements of it in your sessions, you can create a more supportive environment helping your clients regain focus, navigate challenges with greater clarity, and live amore fulfilling, happier life.

Understanding Mindfulness: The Power of the Present Moment


At our core, we all have the ability to cultivate a present-moment awareness. Mindfulness isn't about achieving some special state or emptying your mind completely. It's a simple practice of focusing your attention on what's happening right now, without judgment.

Think of your thoughts and feelings like passing clouds.  Sometimes, they're fluffy and pleasant, sometimes they're dark and stormy. Mindfulness doesn't require you to chase away the clouds or get lost in their drama. Instead, it helps you become aware of these thoughts and feelings without getting caught up in them. You simply observe them as they come and go, like watching the clouds drift across the sky.

This simple act of bringing your awareness to the present moment has been scientifically proven to benefit our well-being in numerous ways. Studies have shown that mindfulness practices can:

- Reduce Stress: By learning to observe and acknowledge your stress without getting swept away by anxious thoughts, mindfulness can help you manage stress more effectively.

- Improve Focus: Mindfulness practices train your attention to stay focused on the task at hand, reducing distractions and enhancing your ability to concentrate.

- Increase Emotional Stability:  Mindfulness helps you develop emotional awareness, allowing you to recognize your emotions as they arise.  With this awareness, you can learn to regulate your emotions more effectively, leading to greater emotional stability and resilience in the face of challenges.


Beyond the Physical:Cultivating a Mind-Body Connection Through Mindfulness


Pilates is renowned for its emphasis on mobility, alignment, and strength. But true well-being extends beyond the physical. Mindfulness supports you in bridging the gap by training your attention to be present in the moment, both physically and mentally.

Here's how it translates to your role as a Pilates Teacher:


- Enhanced Empathy: By developing your own emotional awareness through mindfulness, you become more attuned to the subtle cues your clients display – a clenched jaw, a labored breath, a furrowed brow. This allows you to tailor your approach and offer support beyond just physical corrections.

- Stress Management for Clients: Integrating mindfulness practices into your classes empowers clients to manage their stress in real-time. Simple breathing exercises and mindful movement can help them focus on the present moment, releasing tension and fostering a sense of calm.

- A Calmer, More Centered Space: Your own mindful presence sets the tone for the entire class. By approaching each session with a focused and centered state of mind, you create a more tranquil environment where clients feel safe to explore their bodies and anxieties melt away.


Mindfulness in Action: Practical Approach for Busy Lives

Mindfulness isn't a one-size-fits-all approach.  There are two main ways to practice:


Formal Practice:  This involves setting aside dedicated time for mindfulness exercises, like meditation.  Formal practices can be as short as 5 minutes or extend to longer sessions.  There are many guided meditations available online and through apps, offering instructions and visualizations to help you focus your attention.


Informal Practice: This involves integrating mindful awareness into your everyday activities.  By bringing your attention to the present moment throughout the day, you can cultivate a sense of calm and presence in even the most ordinary tasks.


Let's explore how mindfulness can be applied to specific aspects of your daily life, enhancing our well-being in practical ways:


- Mindful Eating:  We often eat on autopilot, rushing through meals and missing out on the full experience.  Mindful eating encourages a slower, more deliberate approach. Before your next meal, take a few moments to appreciate the sight and smell of your food.  As you eat, chew slowly, savoring the flavors and textures of each bite. Pay attention to your body's hunger cues and stop eating when you feel comfortably full.  This simple practice can lead to better portion control, improved digestion, and a more enjoyable dining experience.


- Mindful Movement: Exercise is crucial for health, but often our minds wander while we go through the motions.  Mindful movement encourages you to be fully present during exercise.  Focus on the sensations in your body as you move.  Notice the feeling of your breath and the connection between your mind and muscles.  Are your shoulders tense? Consciously relax them.  Is your breath shallow? Take slow, deep breaths.  This not only improves form and prevents injuries, but also allows you to appreciate the act of movement and experience a deeper sense of well-being.


- Mindful Breathing: One of the simplest and most effective mindfulness practices is mindful breathing.  Anytime you feel stressed or overwhelmed, find a quiet space and focus on your breath.  Place a hand on your abdomen and feel it gently rise and fall with each inhale and exhale.  Count your breaths silently, or simply observe the natural rhythm of your breathing. If your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to your breath without judgment.  Practicing mindful breathing for just a few minutes can trigger the relaxation response in your body, calming your mind and reducing stress.


- Mindful Pauses: Throughout your day, schedule short mindful pauses.  Set a timer for 2-3 minutes, step away from your desk, or find a quiet corner.  Close your eyes or soften your gaze.  Notice the physical sensations in your body – the feeling of your feet on the ground, the rise and fall of your chest.  Observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Are you feeling tense?  Take a few deep breaths.  Are you worried about something?  Acknowledge the worry and let it go.  These brief moments of mindfulness can help you de-stress, refocus, and approach your tasks with renewed clarity.


Anchoring Your Attention: The key to mindfulness practice is to gently guide your attention back to the present moment when it wanders. Use your senses as anchors. Notice the sounds around you, the feeling of your breath, or the sensations in your body.  With consistent practice, mindfulness will become easier and more integrated into your daily life.


Integrating Mindfulness into Your Pilates Practice: Practical Tips


The beauty of mindfulness is its adaptability. Here are a few ways to seamlessly weave it into your Pilates instruction:


- Infuse Mindfulness into Existing Modules: Weave mindfulness practices subtly throughout your existing curriculum. This could involve incorporating mindful breathing exercises during transitions or starting a session with mindful movement exercise that empowers clients to reconnect with their body cues.


- Lead by Example: Your own mindful presence speaks volumes.By cultivating a calm and centered demeanor in the studio, you create a role model for your clients and inspire them to explore mindfulness in their own lives.


Building a Sustainable Practice for Yourself and Your Clients


Remember, mindfulness is a journey, not a destination. Like any new skill, mindfulness takes practice. Don't get discouraged if your mind wanders – that's perfectly normal!   The key is to be gentle with yourself and gradually build a sustainable practice. A consistent practice, even just a few minutes a day, can lead to significant benefits for both you and your clients.

- Start Small:  Begin with short, manageable sessions. Aim for 5-minute meditations or mindful breathing exercises.  As you become more comfortable, gradually increase the duration. Remember, consistency is key –even a few minutes of daily practice can have significant benefits.

-Find What Works for You: There's no one-size-fits-all approach to mindfulness.  Experiment with different techniques and find what resonates with you.  Do you prefer guided meditations? Explore apps or online resources.  Enjoy walking meditation? Focus on the sensations of your body as you move.  The most important thing is to find practices you enjoy and can integrate seamlessly into your routine.

-Be Kind to Yourself: There will be days when mindfulness feels more challenging.  Maybe you're extra stressed, or your mind just won't seem to settle.  Don't beat yourself up!  Simply acknowledge the distraction and gently guide your attention back to the present moment.  Self-compassion is an essential part of mindfulness practice.


By embracing mindfulness, you can elevate your Pilates instruction beyond the physical. Watch your ability to connect with clients deepen, their stress levels decrease, and a sense of calm and focus permeate your entire studio.


Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction


If you're looking for a more structured approach, consider Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). This is an 8-week program that combines mindfulness meditation with other techniques to help manage chronic stress and improve overall well-being.  MBSR programs are typically taught by certified instructors in a group setting, although some online options are available.


What to Expect:  MBSR classes typically involve guided meditations, body scan exercises, gentle movements, and group discussions. Participants learn how to cultivate present-moment awareness and develop healthy coping mechanisms for stress.


The Benefits:  Studies have shown that MBSR can be highly effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also improve sleep quality, increase focus and concentration, and enhance overall well-being.


Cultivating Inner Strength with Mindfulness


The path of a Pilates teacher is a constant journey of learning and growth.  Mindfulness isn't just a tool to support your clients; it's a powerful practice that can enhance your own teaching and personal well-being.


- Sharpening Your Focus: Ever felt scattered during a complex exercise breakdown?  Mindfulness helps train your attention to stay present, allowing you to deliver clear, concise instructions with laser focus. This translates to better comprehension for your clients and a more efficient class flow.

- Building Resilience: Teaching Pilates can be emotionally demanding.  Mindfulness equips you with tools to manage unexpected challenges or difficult client interactions with greater composure.

- Improving Physical Health: Chronic stress can wreak havoc on our physical health, weakening the immune system and contributing to various health problems. By learning to manage stress effectively through mindfulness, you're not just improving your mental state, you're laying the foundation for a healthier body.

Empower your mindfulness journey with these resources:

Mindfulness Apps: Headspace, Calm, Insight Timer

Books: "Wherever You Go, There You Are" by Jon Kabat-Zinn

MBSR Courses:


Taking the first step towards mindfulness is an investment in your overall well-being. Start incorporating these practices into your life and experience the transformative power of living in the present moment, with a mind that's clear, focused, and resilient.

This article was written for IVA' Pilates by Margot Hiller, a Level 1 Mindful Meditation Teacher trained at Mindful Academy Solterreno.

Helping Stressed Clients Find Center: How Mindfulness Can Elevate Your Pilates Teaching

Help clients de-stress & find focus! Learn how mindfulness can transform your Pilates class and empower your clients.
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The Teacher's Challenge: Sarah's Story


Imagine Sarah, a Pilates instructor brimming with enthusiasm. Her classes are full of young, energetic clients who thrive on her dynamic routines. But lately, Sarah feels lost. She's been filling in for a colleague and teaching a class for seniors. Her usual fast-paced moves and challenging sequences just aren't clicking with this new group. They seem confused and hesitant. Sarah longs to connect with them, but her current teaching style isn't translating effectively.

This scenario highlights the importance of adaptability and continuous learning in the Pilates profession. While Sarah possesses a strong foundation, she lacks the specific experience to cater tothe unique needs of older adults. This is where a mentor, a trusted guide, can step in and offer invaluable advice.


Why Mentorship Matters: A Catalyst for Transformation


A mentor acts as a personal coach on your Pilates teaching journey.  They offer a wealth of experience, unwavering support, and practical guidance to help you blossom into a confident and well-rounded instructor. Here are some key benefits of mentorship that can propel you towards excellence:


Sharpen Your Skills: Mentors can observe your teaching, provide constructive feedback, and help you refine your technique.They offer fresh perspectives on exercises, ensuring you adhere to core Pilates principles while maximizing effectiveness. Imagine Sarah's mentor suggesting modifications for communication, exercises and overall approach.  This ensures a safe and effective workout tailored to seniors' physical and mental capabilities.


Boost Your Business Acumen: Running a Pilates studio goes beyond just teaching. Mentors can equip you with the knowledge and skills to navigate the business side of things. This includes marketing strategies to attract new clients, effective retention techniques to keep existing ones engaged, and best practices for managing your studio finances. Perhaps Sarah wants to expand her clientele to include seniors but feels lost when it comes to marketing to this demographic. Her mentor could recommend targeted marketing strategies like local senior center partnerships, or developing communication channels and messages suited to the older adults.


Build Confidence: A Lifeline During Challenges

Teaching can be a demanding profession, and even the most passionate instructors encounter roadblocks. A mentor serves as a source of encouragement when you face challenges, a sounding board for your ideas, and a reliable resource to answer your questions. Their belief in your abilities can be the confidence boost you need to persevere. As Sarah grapples with her newfound senior citizen class, her mentor could offer reassurance, reminding her of her core teaching strengths and providing valuable tips on creating a more inclusive learning environment.


Stay Current and Inspired: A Fountain of Knowledge

The world of Pilates is constantly evolving, with new techniques and research emerging all the time. Mentors can introduce you to the latest teaching styles, keep you updated on cutting-edge research in the field, and serve as a constant source of inspiration to fuel your passion for continuous learning. Imagine Sarah's mentor introducing her to the benefits of incorporating balance and stability exercises specifically designed for seniors. These exercises not only help prevent falls but also improve overall mobility, making them highly relevant for her senior clientele.


Finding the Perfect Fit: Qualities of a Stellar Mentor

Your ideal mentor doesn't have to be your teaching doppelganger.  Here are some key qualities to seek when searching for someone who can guide you on your Pilates journey:


Clear Communication: Look for someone who explains things clearly, actively listens to your concerns, and fosters a comfortable environment where you feel safe asking questions.

Shared Goals: While you don't need to be identical twins, finding someone whose teaching philosophy and career aspirations resonate with yours can be beneficial. This creates a foundation of mutual understanding and facilitates a more productive mentoring relationship.

Expertise in Your Area: Do you want to enhance your teaching for a specific client demographic? Finding a mentor who excels in that area, even if their overall style is different from yours, is crucial. For Sarah, a mentor specializing in teaching Pilates to older adults would be ideal, regardless of whether their teaching style leans towards a more gentle or a more vigorous approach.


Where to Look for Your Mentor: Casting Your Net


Finding a mentor requires some initiative. Here are someways to get started on your quest:

Tap into the IVA Community: A Treasure Trove of Knowledge

The IVA community is a rich ecosystem brimming with talentedPilates instructors.  Connect with fellow instructors who possess the expertise you seek. Participate in online discussions, forums, and events. You might be surprised to find a perfect mentor closer than you think.


Reach Out to Experienced Instructors: A Direct Approach

Research reputable studios or instructors you admire. Send a personalized email expressing your interest in their expertise and outlining your specific learning goals. Be clear, concise, and professional in your communication. Highlight your existing Pilates qualifications and your eagerness to learn from their experience.


Expand Your Network at Events: A Gateway to NewConnections

Attend Pilates workshops, conferences, and industry events.These gatherings offer invaluable opportunities to connect with experienced instructors. Strategically choose events that focus on areas you want to improve in. Attend talks by instructors who inspire you, actively participate in Q&A sessions, and network with other attendees during breaks.


Building a Successful Relationship: Cultivating aMutually Beneficial Partnership


Finding a mentor is just the first step. Here's how to cultivate a thriving and successful mentoring relationship:


Set Clear Expectations: A Roadmap for Success

Discuss your goals, desired frequency of interaction, and the type of feedback you're seeking at the outset. This ensures your mentor understands your expectations and can tailor their guidance accordingly.


Be an Active Participant: Embracing Continuous Learning

Come prepared to mentoring sessions with well-defined questions.  Actively participate in discussions, demonstrate a willingness to learn, and be open to trying new teaching approaches suggested by your mentor.


Respect and Appreciation: Valuing Their Time andExpertise

Treat your mentor with respect, acknowledging the valuable time and knowledge they invest in your development. Express your gratitude for their guidance and support.


Open Communication: A Foundation for Trust

Maintain open communication with your mentor. Keep them updated on your progress and  challenges you encounter in the studio. Don't hesitate to ask questions and seek clarification when needed.


A Path to Transformation: Embrace Mentorship and EmpowerYourself


By embracing mentorship you can embark on a journey of Continuous Growth. You can refine your skills, build a thriving business, and ultimately, make a lasting impact on the lives of your clients. Here’s just afew perspectives on how mentorship can help:


Refine Your Teaching Techniques:

A  mentor can help you tailor your teaching to different client needs. They can suggest modifications for injuries, offer progressions for advanced students, and guide you in creating a safe and inclusive learning environment for everyone. Imagine Sarah's senior class. With a mentor's guidance, she could learn specific modifications for exercises that might be too challenging for older bodies. By learning these modifications and creating a safe learning environment, Sarah could transform her class from a confusing experience to one that empowers her senior students and fosters a sense of accomplishment.


Elevate Your Business Acumen:  

Mentorship can equip you with the knowledge and skills to navigate the business side of Pilates. You can learn marketing strategies to attract new clients, effective ways to retain existing ones, and best practices for managing your studio finances. Perhaps you're passionate about teaching Pilates but feel overwhelmed by the business aspects of running your own studio. A mentor with experience in the Pilates industry could share valuable insights on how to market your classes effectively. They could suggest strategies for targeting specific demographics, creating a compelling online presence, and utilizing social media to reach potential clients.  Furthermore, your mentor could offer guidance on setting competitive pricing for your classes, developing packages that appeal to different needs and budgets, and managing your studio finances effectively. By acquiring these business skills through mentorship, you'll be well-equipped to not only be a great teacher but also a successful business owner.


Embrace the Challenge: Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone


Mentorship isn't always easy. It requires a willingness to step outside your comfort zone, be open to feedback, and embrace new learning experiences.  Perhaps you're hesitant to reach out to a more experienced instructor for mentorship, fearing rejection or feeling intimidated by their expertise. Remember, most established instructors were once in your shoes, eager to learn and grow.  They understand the challenges faced by new teachers and are often passionate about sharing their knowledge and experience.  Approach mentorship with an open mind and a willingness to learn.  Be prepared to ask questions, actively participate in discussions, and be receptive to feedback, even if it's challenging to hear.  Growth often occurs outside your comfort zone, and a good mentor can guide you through the process of stretching your abilities and developing your full potential as a Pilates instructor.



The IVA' Community: Your Support System


The IVA' community is more than just a platform; it's a supportive network of passionate Pilates instructors. Here's how you can leverage this community to enhance your mentorship experience:


Find Inspiration and Motivation:  Connect with other instructors who share your passion for Pilates. Read their success stories, learn from their challenges, and find inspiration to keep growing and learning.  Perhaps you're struggling with a specific teaching technique or feeling discouraged by a slow start to your new Pilates business.  The IVA community provides aspace to connect with other instructors who have faced similar challenges and emerged stronger.  By reading about their journeys, overcoming obstacles, and achieving their goals, you can find renewed inspiration and motivation to persevere on your own path.


Share Your Knowledge and Experience:  Mentorship isn't a one-way street. As you gain experience, consider offering informal mentorship to aspiring instructors within the IVA' community. Sharing your knowledge can be just as rewarding as learning from others.  Maybe you've developed a unique teaching style that caters to a specific clientele or discovered effective marketing strategies that have helped you grow your client base.  By sharing your expertise with aspiring instructors within the IVA' community, you can contribute to the overall growth and success of the Pilates profession.  Mentorship doesn't have to be a formal relationship; even offering guidance or advice to fellow instructors can create a valuable learning experience for both parties.


Stay Connected and Engaged:  Actively participate in the IVA' community by attending online events, joining discussions, and following experienced instructors.  The more connected you are, the more opportunities you'll have to learn and grow alongside your peers.  The IVA' community offers a wealth of resources beyond individual mentorship relationships.  By actively engaging in online discussions, attending workshops and webinars hosted by experienced instructors, and following the journeys of successful Pilates teachers within the community, you'll constantly be exposed to new ideas, teaching approaches, and industry trends. This continuous learning environment will fuel your own growth and development as a Pilates instructor.


The Lifelong Pursuit of Excellence


The journey of a Pilates instructor is a lifelong pursuit of excellence.  Mentorship offers a valuable tool to navigate this path, but it's ultimately your dedication and commitment to continuous learning that will fuel your success.  Remember, even the most experienced instructors benefit from ongoing learning and refining their skills.  Stay curious, explore new teaching styles, keep abreast of the latest research in the field of Pilates, and actively seek opportunities for professional development. The IVA' community, with its wealth of resources and supportive network, will be your constant companion on this journey of lifelong learning.


In Conclusion:


Embrace mentorship as a transformative force in your Pilates teaching journey.  With the guidance of a mentor and the support of the IVA community, you can unlock your full potential, empower your students, and contribute to the overall growth and success of the Pilates profession. Remember, the path to becoming a truly exceptional teacher is a continuous exploration.  So, embark on this journey with an open mind, a commitment to learning, and a passion for sharing the transformative power of Pilates with the world.

Don't Walk Alone! Why Finding Your Pilates Mentor is Key

Don't walk alone! This guide explores how a Pilates mentor can help you refine skills, build your business, & empower students. Discover the IVA' Pilates community & find your dream mentor today!
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Pregnancy is a transformative journey, both physically and emotionally, and as Pilates teachers, we have the privilege of supporting expectant mothers through this extraordinary time. Incorporating Pilates into their routine offers numerous benefits, from improving strength and flexibility to promoting relaxation and alleviating common discomforts. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything Pilates teachers need to know about supporting clients through Pregnancy Pilates, from setting the foundation to addressing key client concerns and providing essential support along the way.


The Benefits of Prenatal Pilates

Staying active and fit during pregnancy is essential for the health and well-being of both mother and baby. Pilates offers a safe and effective way for expectant mothers to maintain their physical fitness while supporting their changing bodies. Regular Pilates practice can help improve posture, alleviate back pain, reduce stress, and promote better sleep. Additionally, Pilates exercises focus on strengthening the core muscles, which can be particularly beneficial during labor and delivery. By incorporating Pilates into their routine, expectant mothers can feel empowered, confident, and better prepared for the challenges of pregnancy and childbirth.


Setting the Foundation

Before starting a Pregnancy Pilates program, it's important for expectant mothers to obtain medical clearance from their healthcare provider. This ensures that both mother and baby are healthy and ready to engage in physical activity. Once clearance is obtained, Pilates teachers can begin to tailor workouts to meet the specific needs and concerns of their clients. Emphasizing proper breathing techniques is essential during PregnancyPilates, as deep, diaphragmatic breathing helps to oxygenate the body and promote relaxation. Pilates teachers should also encourage clients to listen to theirbodies and make modifications as needed to ensure a safe and comfortable workout experience.


Tailoring Workouts to Each Trimester

Pregnancy progresses in trimesters, each with its own uniqueset of challenges and opportunities. Pilates teachers must adapt their workouts accordingly to accommodate the changing needs of expectant mothers.


During the first trimester, focus on building strength, flexibility, and core stability while paying close attention to proper alignment and posture. Emphasize body awareness and encourage clients to listen to their bodies as they navigate the early stages of pregnancy.


In the second trimester, shift the focus to maintaining strength and flexibility while avoiding exercises that strain the abdominal muscles. Emphasize pelvic stability and incorporate gentle stretching and relaxation techniques to help alleviate common discomforts.


As clients progress into the third trimester, focus on gentle, low-impact exercises that promote relaxation and prepare the body for childbirth. Emphasize pelvic mobility, breathing techniques, and restorative movements to help clients feel more comfortable and at ease during the later stages of pregnancy.


Essential Guidelines and Cautions


Prioritize Breathing: Guide your clients to prioritize proper breathing techniques during all movements, as breathing plays a vital role during pregnancy and throughout exercise.

Encourage comfortable clothing that allows for ease of movement and emphasize the importance of staying well-hydrated.

Discuss the importance of monitoring heart rate during exercise and staying within safe limits.

Emphasize the importance of listening to the body and avoiding any exercise that causes discomfort.


Cautions per Trimester:


First Trimester: Don’t start exercising if you haven’t before being pregnant (unless cleared by the leading doctor).

Second Trimester: Stop crunches or any abdominal wall work, avoid excessive joint stretching, and limit exercises on the back to 3-5minutes. Avoid prone movements and Z-sit positions.

Third Trimester: Avoid exercising in a hot and humid environment and reduce the duration of training sessions or classes. Stop exercising and seek medical help if any discomfort or pain occurs during exercise.

At any point of pregnancy, stop session and seek medical advice if any of the following happens: vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, regular painful contractions, leakage, shortness of breath, dizziness, headache, chest pain, muscle weakness affecting balance, or calf pain or swelling.


Addressing Key Client Concerns

Expectant mothers may have concerns about the health of their baby, the process of labor and delivery, and the physical changes associated with pregnancy. Pilates teachers play a crucial role in addressing these concerns and providing essential support and guidance throughout the journey.


Key Client Concerns:


Health of the Baby: Pilates teachers should provide evidence-based information and reassurance regarding fetal development and overall baby health, helping to alleviate anxiety and promote confidence in their clients.


Labor and Delivery: Discussing strategies for pain management, relaxation techniques, and positions for labor can help clients feel more prepared and confident as they approach childbirth.


Physical Changes and Discomfort: Pilates teachers can offer modifications and adaptations to exercises to accommodate common discomforts such as back pain, pelvic pressure, and swelling. Encouraging clients to listen to their bodies and make modifications as needed can help them feel more comfortable and confident throughout their pregnancy journey.


Pregnancy Pilates offers expectant mothers a safe and effective way to maintain their physical fitness, alleviate discomfort, and prepare for childbirth. As Pilates teachers, we have the opportunity to support and empower expectant mothers through every stage of their pregnancy journey.By prioritizing safety, mindfulness, and adaptability, we can create a nurturing environment where clients feel supported, empowered, and confident as they embrace the journey of pregnancy with grace and resilience.


Continuing education is essential for Pilates teachers who seek to empower their teaching, especially when it comes to Pregnancy Pilates. Staying abreast of the latest research, guidelines, and best practices in prenatal exercise and women's health is crucial for providing safe and effective workouts for expectant mothers. At IVA' Pilates, we understand the importance of ongoing learning and professional development. That's why we offer specialized courses designed specifically for teachers who want to become go-to experts in prenatal and postnatal Pilates. Our comprehensive curriculum covers everything from understanding the physiological changes during pregnancy to adapting exercises for different trimesters and addressing common concerns and discomforts. By enrolling, Pilates teachers gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to support expectant mothers through every stage of their pregnancy journey.


Join our community at IVA' Pilates and elevate your teaching to new heights as a trusted and knowledgeable expert in Pregnancy Pilates.

Mastering Pregnancy Pilates: Essential Do's and Don'ts for Safe and Effective Practice

Learn vital guidelines for safe Pregnancy Pilates. Expert insights to empower Pilates teachers and support expectant mothers through every trimester.
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7 minutes

Bridge the Connection: Building Rapport and Communication in Your Pilates Classes


In the world of Pilates instruction, technical proficiency and a deep understanding of biomechanics are crucial. But what truly elevates a good teacher to a great one? The answer lies in the power of rapport and communication.


Building strong relationships with your clients goes beyond chit-chat before class. It's about creating a safe and supportive environment where clients feel heard, understood, and motivated to reach their full potential.  This, in turn, fosters trust, adherence to instruction, and ultimately, a more rewarding experience for both the instructor and the client.


The Power of Rapport


Rapport refers to a sense of connection and mutual trust between you and your client. When rapport is strong, clients feel comfortable asking questions, expressing concerns, and pushing themselves further in their practice. This open communication allows you to tailor your instruction effectively, identify areas for improvement, and create a personalized learning experience.


Building rapport is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. Here's how it benefits both instructors and clients:

For Teachers: Strong rapport allows you to gain a deeper understanding of your clients' needs and goals. This empowers you to create more targeted and effective programming, leading to better client outcomes and a sense of professional satisfaction.

For Clients: When rapport exists, clients feel comfortable pushing their boundaries and exploring their full potential. Theyare more likely to adhere to your instruction, leading to faster progress and amore enjoyable Pilates experience.


Communication Essentials: Building the Bridge


Effective communication is the cornerstone of building rapport with your Pilates clients. Here are some key communication skills you can cultivate:


Active Listening: The Art of Truly Hearing


Active listening goes beyond simply hearing what your client is saying. It's about paying close attention to their words, body language, and underlying emotions. Here's how to master the art of active listening:


Maintain Eye Contact: Make eye contact with your client throughout the conversation to demonstrate your focus and interest.

Use Encouraging Nonverbal Cues: Nod your head, smile, and lean in slightly to show that you're engaged.

Summarize and Reflect: Briefly summarize what you've heard to ensure correct understanding. This also allows the client to further process their own words.


Benefits of Active Listening:


Active listening unlocks a wealth of information beyond the immediate concerns a client might voice. By truly hearing them, you can:


Uncover Underlying Motivations: Explore what truly motivates your client to come to Pilates. Is it pain management, weight loss, or something deeper? Understanding their "why" allows you to tailor your instruction and create a more meaningful experience.


Identify Dreams and Aspirations:  Delving deeper beyond the immediate goals (e.g., weight loss, pain management) can reveal a client's true aspirations. Perhaps they dream of staying active for their grandkids, regaining confidence to wear a swimsuit, or maintaining independence as they age. Uncovering these hidden motivations allows you to connect with them on a deeper level and craft a Pilates plan that supports their overall well-being.


Prevent Injuries and Adapt Instruction: Active listening empowers you to identify potential limitations or injuries your client might not readily mention. By adapting instruction accordingly, you can prevent injury and ensure a safe and effective practice.


Clear and Concise Communication: Your Words Matter

The way you communicate instructions is vital. Use clear, concise language tailored to your client's understanding. Avoid technical jargon  and break down complex movements into simple, step-by-step instructions.


Positive Reinforcement: Fueling Motivation

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for motivating your clients and boosting their confidence. Recognize their efforts, celebrate their progress, and offer specific verbal praise for their achievements.


Open Communication: Creating a Safe Space

Encourage open communication where clients feel comfortable expressing concerns, limitations, or questions they might have. You can achieve this by:


Asking Open-Ended Questions: Instead of yes/no questions, ask open-ended questions that invite clients to elaborate on their experiences and goals.

Creating a Safe and Supportive Environment: Foster a classroom setting where clients feel comfortable speaking up without fear of judgment.

Tools and Techniques for Building Rapport and Communication


Several valuable tools and techniques can enhance your communication and build stronger rapport with your clients:


Pre-Class Questionnaires:

Utilizing a pre-class questionnaire  is a valuable tool for gathering information about a client's goals, injuries, and experience level.  This allows you to tailor your instruction from the very first session.


Individualized Attention:

Take the time to get to know your clients on an individual basis. Learn their names, remember their goals and limitations, and inquire about their experiences outside of Pilates. This personalized approach fosters a sense of connection and demonstrates that you care about their well-being beyond just their physical form.


Effective Use of Verbal Cues:

Clear, concise, and encouraging verbal cues are crucial for guiding clients through Pilates exercises. Use simple language and avoid technical jargon. Consider incorporating imagery and kinesthetic cues to help clients visualize and understand proper movement patterns.


Imagery: Describe movements in a way that evokes a mental image. For example, instead of saying "lift your leg," you could say "imagine pressing your heel up towards the ceiling."

Kinesthetic Cues: Provide tactile guidance by gently placing your hands on a client's body to guide their movement. This is particularly helpful for kinesthetic learners who learn best through touch.


Body Language: Speak Volumes without Words

Non-verbal communication plays a significant role in building rapport. Utilize positive body language like:


Smiling: A genuine smile conveys warmth, approachability, and puts your clients at ease.

Nodding: Nodding your head shows that you're listening and engaged in the conversation.

Maintaining Eye Contact: As mentioned earlier, eye contact demonstrates attentiveness and interest.

Open Posture: Avoid crossing your arms or appearing closed off. Maintain an open posture that invites communication.


Building Bridges for Lasting Success


By prioritizing rapport and communication, you elevate your Pilates instruction to a whole new level. When you truly connect with your clients, understand their motivations and dreams, and communicate effectively, you create a supportive learning environment that fosters trust, motivation, and ultimately, a more rewarding Pilates experience for everyone involved.


Bonus Tip:  End your classes by taking a moment to acknowledge your clients' efforts and celebrate their achievements.  This positive reinforcement leaves a lasting impression and motivates them to return for more.


Building rapport and communication is an ongoing process. Share your favorite tips for connecting with clients in the comments below!  Do you have any questions about effective communication in the Pilates studio? We'd love to hear from you!

Bridge the Connection: Building Rapport and Communication in Your Pilates Classes

Learn how to build strong connections and effective communication in your Pilates classes. Enhance rapport, motivate clients, and create a supportive learning environment.
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6 minutes

Beat the Energy Slump: Recharge Your Batteries for a Thriving Season


Spring is a time of renewal, but for many of us, it can also bring a dreaded visitor – the energy slump. Longer days and sunshine might seem like a recipe for boundless energy, but often we find ourselves feeling sluggish and deplete, and struggling to maintain our usual enthusiasm with the clients.


This fatigue is a common experience, and the culprit is often a mismatch between our energy needs and our daily habits.  The good news? By making some simple tweaks to your diet and lifestyle, you can replenish your energy stores and maintain a vibrant, energetic presence throughout the seasons.


This translates into a more fulfilling experience for you and your students, allowing you to continue sharing your passion for Pilates and empowering them to achieve their wellness goals.


This guide delves deeper, focusing on practical strategies specifically for Pilates instructors like you.


Fuel Your Body for Peak Performance: Macronutrients Matter


Our bodies rely on three main types of macronutrients for fuel: carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. Each plays a crucial role in keeping you energized, but not all are created equal. Let's explore how to make smart choices to ensure sustained energy throughout your busy teaching days:



Ditch the refined carbs like white bread, sugary pastries, and processed foods. These lead to blood sugar spikes and crashes, leaving you feeling drained mid-client or during long stretches of lesson planning. Instead, focus on complex carbohydrates found in whole grains, vegetables, and even some fruits (consumed in moderation). These provide sustained energy release through a steady flow of glucose, your body's preferred fuel source.


Go Beyond the Basics: Whole grains come in a variety of forms. Explore different options like brown rice, quinoa, oats, barley, and whole-wheat bread or pasta. Don't forget about starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes, corn, and peas, which also provide complex carbohydrates and valuable fiber.


Fiber is Your Friend: Fiber plays a crucial role in slowing down digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. This helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, preventing energy-sapping crashes. Aim for high-fiber fruits (berries, apples, pears) and vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, leafy greens).



Protein is essential for building and repairing tissues throughout the body, including your energy-producing muscles. Additionally, protein helps with satiety, keeping you feeling fuller for longer and preventing energy crashes triggered by hunger pangs. Aim to include a source of lean protein (chicken, fish, beans, tofu, tempeh) at each meal and snack.


Variety is Key: Explore a variety of protein sources beyond chicken and fish. Lean meats like turkey, legumes (beans, lentils), and plant-based protein options like tofu and tempeh are all excellent choices. Don't forget eggs – a complete protein source that's perfect for breakfast or a quick snack.


Healthy Fats

Don't fear the fat! Healthy fats play a vital role in energy production and hormone regulation. Include sources of monounsaturated fats in your diet, such as avocado, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. These fats also contribute to brain health and can improve cognitive function, keeping you sharp throughout the day.

Incorporate healthy fats throughout your day. Drizzle avocado oil on salads or vegetables, add nuts and seeds to yogurt or oatmeal, or use olive oil for cooking.

Micronutrients Matter: The Unsung Heroes of Energy


Beyond macronutrients, vitamins and minerals are the unsung heroes of energy production. These micronutrients act as catalysts for various bodily functions that contribute to your energy levels. Here's a quick rundown of some key players for Pilates instructors:


B vitamins: These vitamins are essential for converting foodinto usable energy. Sources include lean meats, poultry, fish, whole grains,and leafy green vegetables.


Iron: Low iron levels can lead to anemia, a major contributor to fatigue. Focus on iron-rich foods like red meat, poultry, fish, beans, lentils, and dark leafy greens. Consider pairing iron-rich foods with vitamin C sources (citrus fruits, peppers) to enhance iron absorption.


Magnesium: This mineral supports muscle function and energy production. Magnesium-rich foods include nuts, seeds, avocados, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables.


Vitamin D: Vitamin D plays a crucial role in overall health and energy levels. Sunlight exposure is the best source of vitamin D, and since many of us in the Northern hemisphere don't get enough exposure during spring, consider including foods like fatty fish, eggs and discuss supplementation with your physician.


Meal Spacing Matters:

Avoid constant snacking between clients. This disrupts digestion and can lead to blood sugar imbalances. Plan your meals and snacks strategically, allowing your digestive system adequate rest between sessions. Aim for balanced meals with a mix of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs every 3-4 hours. On the other hand, avoid letting too much time pass between meals, as this can lead to energy crashes and overeating later.


A Sample Meal Plan for Pilates Instructors:


Here's a possible meal plan to consider, keeping in mind that individual needs may vary. Adjust portion sizes and meal frequency based on your activity level and personal preferences:


Breakfast (around 7:00 AM): Opt for a protein-rich and fiber-filled option to keep you feeling satisfied until your mid-morning snack. Examples include Greek yogurt with berries and a teaspoon of organic nut butter, whole-wheat toast with avocado and eggs, or oatmeal with nuts and seeds.


Mid-Morning Snack (around 10:00 AM): Choose a light and energizing snack to bridge the gap before lunch. A small piece of fruit with nut butter, a handful of vegetables with hummus, or a protein smoothie are all good options.


Lunch (around 1:00 PM): Aim for a balanced meal with a source of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. A salad with grilled chicken or fish, a lentil soup with sourdough bread, or a brown rice bowl with tofu and vegetables are all excellent choices.


Afternoon Snack (around 3:00 PM): Another light snack can help maintain your energy levels in the late afternoon. Cottage cheese with sliced vegetables, a small handful of almonds and dried fruit, or a protein bar are good options.


Beyond the Plate


While nutrition plays a primary role, a holistic approach is key for maximizing your energy levels as a Pilates instructor. Here are some additional lifestyle habits to complement your dietary adjustments:


Sleep: The Silent Recharge

Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Consistent sleep patterns and a relaxing bedtime routine are crucial for optimal energy regulation. Here are some tips for better sleep hygiene, specifically tailored to a busy Pilates instructor's schedule:


Schedule Your Sleep: Establish a regular sleep schedule and stick to it as much as possible, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body's natural sleep-wake cycle.


Wind Down Wisely: Create a relaxing bedtime routine that signals to your body it's time to wind down. This could include taking a warm bath, reading a book, practicing light stretches, or listening to calming music. Avoid screen time (phones, laptops, tablets) for at least an hour before bed, as the blue light emitted can interfere with sleep.


Optimize Your Sleep Environment: Ensure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool for optimal sleep. Invest in blackout curtains or an eye mask if necessary. Use earplugs or white noise machines to block out distracting sounds. Keep the room temperature cool, ideally between 16-19 degrees Celcius.


Stress Management: Tame the Energy Drain

Chronic stress can deplete your energy reserves and leave you feeling burnt out. Explore stress-management techniques  specifically tailored to incorporate into your busy schedule:


Mindful Moments: Meditation involves focusing your attention on the present moment and letting go of distracting thoughts. There are many different meditation techniques available; explore guided meditations online or apps to find one that works for you. Even short, 5-minute meditations practiced before or after teaching a class can significantly reduce stress levels.

Mindfulness exercises can be incorporated into everyday activities, such as mindful eating or taking a mindful walk in nature during your breaks between clients.


Deep Breathing Exercises: Deep breathing exercises are a simple and effective way to quickly reduce stress and promote relaxation. Sit or lie down comfortably, close your eyes, and take slow, deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Consider incorporating short breathing exercises into your classes or guiding your students through them aspart of a cool-down routine.


Stay Hydrated: Power Your Movement

Dehydration can lead to fatigue and impair cognitive function. Here are some tips to ensure you stay hydrated throughout your teaching day:


Invest in a Reusable Water Bottle: Carry areusable water bottle with you and sip on it throughout the day. Aim to drinkwater consistently, rather than waiting until you feel thirsty.

Set Hydration Reminders: Set reminders on yourphone or computer to drink water at regular intervals, especially during busyteaching days when you might forget.

Flavor Boost: Infuse your water with fruits,herbs or spices for added flavor and a refreshing boost. Consider incorporatingother hydrating beverages like unsweetened herbal teas into your routine.


Embrace the Season: Nourish Your Body and Mind


Spring is a time of transition. As the season progresses, be mindful of how it might affect your energy levels. Here are some additional tips to keep you going strong:


Lighter Fare for Warmer Days: As summer approaches, consider incorporating lighter options into your meals. Focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Stay Cool and Hydrated: During hot summer months, prioritize staying cool and hydrated. Carry a reusable water bottle with you at all timesand wear loose, breathable clothing.

Embrace Seasonal Produce: Take advantage of the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables available during spring and summer.  These seasonal options are packed with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can further support your energy levels and overall health.


Take Care of Your Resources and Thrive as a Pilates Instructor

Spring can be a season of renewal and transformation, but it can also bring a temporary dip in energy levels for busy Pilates instructors. By incorporating the strategies outlined in this guide, you can take control of your energy and create a vibrant, fulfilling spring season. Remember, small changes can make a big difference. Experiment, find what works best for you, and prioritize self-care practices that nourish your body and mind.


Embrace the spring season with renewed energy and a passion for empowering your students through the transformative practice of Pilates. IVA' is here to support you on your journey to becoming the best Pilates instructor you can be.


Bonus Tip: Throughout the year, be mindful of seasonal changes and how they might affect your energy levels. As summer transitions into fall, consider incorporating warming foods like soups and stews into your diet. Focus on vegetables rich in beta-carotene, like sweet potatoes and carrots, to support your immune system as the colder months approach. Winter brings shorter days and less sunlight exposure. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of supplementing with vitamin D during these months.


By taking a holistic approach to self-care and adapting your habits to the changing seasons, you can ensure you have the energy and enthusiasm to inspire your students year-round.


Blog post by Margot Hiller, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Photo by Jamie Brown on Unsplash

Recharge Your Energy: Nutrition Tips for Pilates Instructors

Discover practical strategies to beat the energy slump and stay vibrant this spring and beyond. Learn how to fuel your body, and embrace the season.
Read post
8 min

Building Your Authentic Pilates Business: Standing Out in a Thriving Industry


Feeling the squeeze in a crowded Pilates market? Don't despair! The good news is, the entire fitness and wellness industry is booming. People are prioritizing their health more than ever, seeking ways to move better and feel their best. This surge in interest creates a fantastic opportunity for your Pilates business, but it also means standing out from the crowd is a must. This guide will help you do just that, by building an authentic brand that reflects your unique approach and attracts ideal clients who resonate with your style.


This comprehensive guide delves into the essence of building an authentic Pilates business. We'll explore strategies to uncover your unique voice, translate it into a compelling brand story, and express it across various platforms. But before we delve in, let's remember – you are your most valuable asset. Your passion, teaching philosophy, and the positive impact you have on clients' lives are the cornerstones of your brand.


Continuous Development: Sharpening Your Skillset


Building a thriving Pilates business necessitates continuous investment in yourself.  While passion serves as the fuel, unwavering dedication to development is the engine that propels your success.


Technical Expertise:  Stay up-to-date with the latest Pilates research and methodologies. Consider attending workshops or conferences to refine your teaching skills and broaden your knowledge base. Expanding your technical expertise allows you to offer clients the most up-to-date and effective Pilates practices.


Business Savvy:  Don't underestimate the power of business acumen.  Explore resources on marketing, branding, and studio management. Consider workshops or online courses dedicated to helping Pilates instructors navigate the business side of their passion.


Soft Skills Development:  Communication, empathy, and the ability to motivate are all crucial for building strong rapport with clients. Cultivate your soft skills by attending workshops or exploring online resources on communication and leadership.


Crafting Your Brand Story: From Passion to Impact


Now that you've embraced your role as your most valuable asset and committed to continuous development, let's delve into crafting your brand story. This narrative isn't just a list of qualifications – it's about the impact you make on your students' lives.


Mission Statement


DefiningYour Purpose: A well-crafted mission statement captures the essence of yourPilates business and your approach to teaching. It provides a clear and concise answer to the question: "What makes us different?" Your mission statement should resonate not only with you, but also with your ideal clientele. This powerful statement can be used across various platforms, including your website, social media bio, and even marketing brochures. Consider incorporating your passion for Pilates into the mission statement.For example, if your passion lies in empowering individuals through movement, your mission statement could be: "Empowering individuals to achieve optimal well-being through transformative Pilates practice."


Showcasing Client Success Stories.


Testimonials with the Power to Inspire: Real-life client transformations serve as powerful testimonials to the effectiveness of your Pilates business. Sharing stories of how your instruction has helped individuals overcome physical limitations, achieve fitness goals, and improve their overall well-being fosters trust and inspires potential clients. Feature these success stories on your website, in social media posts, or even consider including client testimonials in your email marketing campaigns.


Consistent Voice Across Platforms


Maintaining Brand Authenticity Building a strong brand is all about consistency. Your unique voice should resonate throughout all your communication channels: from the content on your website to social media posts and even your in-studio interactions. Develop a consistent writing tone that reflects your personality and resonates with your target audience. Use authentic, engaging images and visuals that align with your brand identity on all platforms.


Expressing Your Brand Identity: Transforming Words into Tangible Elements


Now that you have a compelling brand story, let's translate your essence into visual and tangible elements that potential clients can experience both online and within your studio walls.


Your Website:


A Digital Storefront Reflecting Your Brand Values: Your website serves as your digital storefront, the first impression prospective clients will have of your Pilates business. Invest in a high-quality, user-friendly website.  Utilize clear navigation, captivating  images that showcase the atmosphere of your studio and your teaching style, and compelling written content that conveys your brand values and philosophy.  Consider including a "Meet the Instructor" section where you can share your personal story, qualifications, and passion for Pilates. Don't forget to prominently display your class schedule, pricing information, and clear calls to action, such as "Book a Class" or "Schedule a Consultation."


Crafting a Social Media Strategy: Engaging Your Audience on the Right Platforms:  Identify the social media platforms where your target audience resides. Are you catering to busy professionals onLinkedIn or targeting young, fitness-conscious individuals on Instagram? Once you understand where your ideal clients spend their time online, focus your efforts on those specific platforms. Tailor your content to fit the format of each platform. Share informative blog posts and articles on Facebook, showcase captivating workout snippets or behind-the-scenes glimpses on Instagram.Regardless of the platform, remember to prioritize engagement. Respond to comments, answer questions, and participate in relevant online conversations. Building a sense of community fosters loyalty and creates a space for potential clients to connect with you and your brand.


Studio Atmosphere:


Extending Your Brand Identity into the Physical Space: The physical space where you conduct your Pilates classes should be an extension of your brand personality. Is your brand minimalist and zen-like, focusing on a tranquil environment for mindful movement? Or are you a high-energy studio offering dynamic Pilates workouts? Regardless of the style, ensure your studio is welcoming, clean, and well-equipped. Consider incorporating design elements that reflect your brand identity, such as color schemes, artwork, or motivational quotes displayed prominently on the walls.


Innovation: Staying Ahead of the Curve


In a dynamic industry, staying stagnant is a recipe for falling behind. Don't be afraid to innovate. Consider incorporating new Pilates variations or integrating cutting-edge technologies into your classes.


The Power of Community: Learning and Growing Together


No successful Pilates instructor navigates the journey alone.  Surrounding yourself with a supportive community of like-minded individuals is essential for growth.  This community provides a space to learn from each other's experiences, exchange ideas, and celebrate successes.

IVA' is a platform designed to empower ambitious Pilates instructors like yourself.  Here, you'll find a supportive community of individuals dedicated to building thriving Pilates businesses.  Access educational resources, connect with experienced instructors, and share your journey in a positive and encouraging environment.


Embrace Your Authenticity and Build Your Dream Pilates Business


Building an authentic Pilates business is a journey of self-discovery and continuous improvement. By investing in your technical expertise, business acumen, and soft skills, you refine your most valuable asset – yourself. Couple  your growth with a commitment to innovation and a supportive community like IVA', and you'll pave the way for a successful and fulfilling career in the thriving world of Pilates.

Remember, you don't have to navigate this path alone. IVA is a supportive community designed to empower ambitious Pilates instructors like yourself. Here, you'll find a wealth of educational resources, connect with experienced instructors, and share your experiences in a positive and encouraging environment.


Embrace your passion for Pilates, invest in your growth, and join IVA's supportive community.  Together, you'll build your dream Pilates business and leave a lasting impact on the lives of your clients.

Building Your Authentic Pilates Business: Standing Out in a Thriving Industry

Discover how to stand out in the crowded Pilates market and build your authentic brand. Learn valuable tips for success as a Pilates instructor, from continuous development to crafting your brand story. Join IVA' for support and resources.
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18 min

Return to the Source

In this month's blog post, I want to explore the heart and soul of the Pilates method –– the vision of Joseph Pilates himself. Many instructors, myself included, learn the exercises but might not delve into the deeper philosophy behind them. Today, I'll share my journey of discovering Pilates' true source and how understanding Joseph Pilates' ideas can elevate your practice from simply doing exercises to embodying a holistic approach to well-being.

I have been practicing Pilates for more than 15 years and I have been lucky enough to teach it with passion for more than 10 years. In comparison to my Master Teachers who are gifted with over 35-55 years of experience, it is clear that I am only a teenager in terms of Pilates expertise. However, I hope that my experience in learning the method can guide you or refer you in your personal research in mastering the Pilates method.

I was incredibly lucky during my training to be able to benefit from a variety of experiences with various Elder &Master Teachers. They all made me do similar things at the end of the day, but at the same time, they all had sucha different take on things. There was, however, one thing that reunited them in their approach, and this was the fact that they all referred to Joseph Pilates and his work “Return to life" as an indispensable source.

During my first years of practicing Pilates as a student in a Physiotherapy practice in Sydney, I knew nothing about the origin of the method and even less about the philosophy of its creator, Joseph Pilates. I had never known about the origin of the method and its history. I didn’t even know that Joseph & Clara Pilates were the creators, leaving behind them an entire tree of teaching descendants, which is today called the "Elder Master Teachers" (like EveGentry, Carola Trier, Romana Kryzanowska, Ron Fletcher, Kathy Grant, Lolita San Miguel, Bruce King, etc). What prevailed in my training was biomechanics, physical anatomy and lots of cues on the technical part of the movements... nothing at all about the vision, the philosophy nor the magic of the method.

It was only several years later, when I became a teacher, that I became aware of the creator, Joseph Pilates, and his life story, during one of my Pilates training sessions. But mentioning this, we had only spent 10min on the subject of Joseph Pilates, three pages of history in the manual, and that was it! Suffice it to say that my knowledge of the method source was still very poor.

Being by nature very curious and rather a perfectionist, I needed to find out more. I was shocked to have practiced, during all this time and without knowing it, a training method which had however quite a history and a very clear message. It was then that my research to find the source of Pilates began. I bought all the books that I could find in the book stores on the method (Google was not yet my friend), but without much result. And then, until one of my Master Teachers, Kathy Corey, made me aware of the fact that Joseph Pilates had written two books on his method and his vision of his training system called "Your Health" and "Return to Life". I then immediately began reading the book in English. And I very quickly understood from his own writings that Joseph was a visionary and a genius who was seeking to improve a world which was going to sink further and further in the disease and physical, psychic and emotional suffering.

For him the Mind, the Body and the Spirit were strongly linked together and it was the responsibility of each one of us, to take care of the primary "Being" which was given to us at birth. Seeking to maintain a constant balance between these three bodies, in an ever faster and more harmful world, must remain a key element of our life hygiene in order to be able to live to the best of our means and to find pleasure in Life. Neglecting the body we were given is the the most foolish thing we can do and we respect the needs of our physicality! How should we do that: by simply trusting and listening to wisdom of our body and having the mind guide the body with the proper directions for the greater enjoyment of life. Having himself endured numerous physical and psychic tests in his life, Joseph Pilates has always known how to deal with this through movement. Being very earthy, and gifted witha steel will and an extraordinary flair for the body, he knew, by his experience, to fully develop his potential. It is over his life course and because of his visionary insight that his method could give birth to one of the most effective and widespread teaching techniques in the world.

To return to what I believe to be the most fundamental source of the method, it goes without saying that it is about Joseph and Clara Pilates themselves; but more specifically, it is the vision and the philosophy which makes the Pilates technique truly MAGICAL as well as an ingenious training method for the mind, body and spirit. A complete, “holistic" approach, which should take into account all that you are, all what you live for and all that you aspire to in life, so that your potential is fully revealed and maintained daily through movement.

To help you to discover a small part of his vision, I invite you to read an extract of his book "Return to Life" written in 1945 by Joseph Pilates. I hope that these few original paragraphs, written by Joseph Pilates in 1945, will stimulate your curiosity and your motivation to understand more deeply the primary motivations of the Pilates method. Then, you will no longer be satisfied simply teaching basic exercises, but you will aspire to teach a method of holistic movements which will take into account ALL that you are and live for, at any time in your evolution.

I wish you a wonderful discovery in enhancing your knowledge of the original vision of the Pilates method according to his work, the source, “Return to life"

Civilisation impairs physical fitness

Our interpretation of physical fitness is the attainment and maintenance of a uniformly developed body with a sound mind fully capable of naturally, easily, and satisfactorily performing our many and varied daily tasks with spontaneous zest and pleasure.

To achieve the highest accomplishments within the scope of our capabilities in all walks of life we must constantly strive to acquire strong, healthy bodies and develop our minds to the limit of our ability. This very rapidly progressing world with its ever-increasing faster tempo of living demands that we be physically fit and alert in order that we may succeed in the unceasing race with keen competition which rewards the “go- getter” but by-passes the “no-getter.”

Physical fitness can neither be acquired by wishful thinking nor by outright purchase. However, it can be gained through performing the daily exercises conceived for this purpose by the founder of Contrology whose unique methods accomplish this desirable result by successfully counteracting the harmful inherent conditions associated with modern civilisation.

In the Stone Age and onward man lived mostly outdoors with practically little shelter from the elements. He has not yet lived long enough indoors with protection against the elements to be able to successfully withstand the daily strains and stresses imposed upon him by our present mode of “fast” living. This explains why both you and I and all the rest of us are compelled in our own interest to give constant thought to the improvement of our bodies and to spend more time in acquiring and maintaining that all-important goal of physical fitness.

All in all, we do not give our bodies the care that our wellbeing deserves

True, we do stroll in the fresh air whenever our whimsical spirit moves us, or whenever necessity compels us to do so, with the result that on these occasions we do, in spite of ourselves, exercise our legs to this limited extent, accomplished, however, at the sacrifice of the rest of our body which after all is much more important to us from the viewpoint of our general health. Is it any wonder then that this haphazard and wholly inadequate body-building technique of the average person fails so miserably in the acquirement of physical fitness!

Admittedly, it is rather difficult to gain ideal physical fitness under the handicap of daily breathing the soot-saturated air of our crowded and noisy cities. On the other hand, we can more quickly realize this ambition if we are privileged to breathe the pure fresh air of the country and forests without the accompaniment of the traffic roar of the city which constantly tends to keep our nerves strung taut. Even those of us who work in the city and are fortunate enough to live in the country must counteract the unnatural physical fatigue and mental strain experienced in our daily activities. Telephones, automobiles, and economic pressure all combine to create physical letdown and mental stress so great that today practically no home is entirely free from sufferers of some form of nervous tension.

Because of the intense concentration demanded by our work and despite the real enjoyment our work may bring some of us we, nevertheless, gladly welcome any additional relief in the form of diversified and pleasant recreational activities, preferably outdoors, in our constant attempts to offset the effects of increasing cares and burdens so common today. To ease mental strain and relieve physical fatigue we must acquire a reserve stockpile of nervous energy in order that we may really be able to enjoy ourselves at night.

We must of necessity devote more time and more thought to the important matter of acquiring physical fitness.

Hobbies and all forms of play tend materially to renew our vitality with accompanying moral uplift. Play is not necessarily only confined to indulging in conventional games. Rather the term “play” as we use it here, embraces every possible form of pleasurable living. For example, simply spending a quiet and pleasant evening at home with our family chatting with congenial friends is, according to our interpretation, a form of play that is delightful, pleasant social entertainment as distinguished from our daily work. This finds us cheerful, contented, and relaxed.

However, many of us at the end of our daily work lack sufficient energy at night for recreation. How many of us simply spend the night routinely reading the evening newspaper? How many of us are entirely too exhausted to read, even occasionally, an interesting book, visit our friends, or see one of the latest motion pictures?

When some of us occasionally spend a weekend away from our usual city haunts and environments, instead of receiving the immediate benefits of that desirable change in the way of complete revitalization (without fatigue)as the result of our experience outdoors in the bright sunshine, we are more often than not likely to find ourselves only recovering from the shock of our disappointment about the middle of the following week.

Why? Because our previous mode of living and the consequent neglect of our bodies has not prepared us for reaping the beneficial results of this diversion. We lacked the necessary reserve energy to draw upon for this purpose and the fault lies only with us and not with nature as most of us like to think. All that any normal body should require is a change from whatever it has previously been subjected to.

Accordingly, since we are living in this Modern Age we must of necessity devote more time and more thought to the important matter of acquiring physical fitness. This does not necessarily imply that we must devote ourselves only to the mere development of any particular pet set of muscles, but rather more rationally to the uniform development of our bodies as a whole - keeping all our organs as nearly as possible in their naturally normal condition so that we may not only be in a better position to earn our daily bread but also so that we may have sufficient vitality in reserve at night for the enjoyment of compensating pleasure and relaxation.

Perhaps with some feeling of doubt you ask, “How can I realize such a utopian condition? At night I am much too tired to go to a gymnasium.” Or, “Isn’t it too costly to enroll for a conditioning course in some good gymnasium or club?”

RETURN TO LIFE fully explains how you can successfully achieve your worthy ambition to attain physical fitness right in your own home and at only nominal cost.

Return to Life and Return to the Source

Dive deeper than Pilates exercises! Explore Joseph Pilates' original philosophy for a holistic mind-body approach to well-being. Unlock Pilates' true potential.
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12 min

The Top 5 Reasons Why Fascia Matters To Pilates?

You may be noticing the word “fascia” (connective tissue) is a hot topic right now in all body related fields, such as in Pilates too. But before we get to why fascia matters to your Pilates practice, here is a brief primer about why it’s getting so much attention these days.

Fascia your other body

First, many think of fascia as a glorified body stocking - a seamless piece of tissue that wraps you just underneath the skin. While this is true of the superficial fascia, it’s important to understand it is a richly multi-dimensional tissue that also forms your internal soft tissue architecture and connects your body from head to toes.
From the superficial (“body stocking”) fascia, it dives deep and forms the pods (called fascicles) that actually create your musculature like a honeycomb from the inside out. Imagine what it looks like when you bite into a wedge of orange and then look at those individually wrapped pods of juice. We’re like that too! Fascia also connects muscle to bone (tendons are considered a part of the fascial system), and bone to bone (ligaments are also considered apart of the fascial system), slings your organ structures, cushions your vertebrae (yep, your discs are considered apart of this system, too), and wraps your bones.
So imagine for a moment you could remove every part of you that is not fascia. You would have a perfect 3D model of exactly what you look like. Not just in recognizable ways like your posture or facial features, but also the position of your liver, and the zig-zig your clavicle takes from that break you had as a kid, and how your colon wraps. To say it’s everywhere is far from over-stating things.
In fact, it turns out fascia’s everywhere-ness is one of the reasons it was overlooked for so long. Until recently it was viewed as the packing peanuts of soft tissue. Therefore, in dissections for study and for research, most of it was cleanly scraped away and thrown in a bucket so the cadavers could be tidily made to resemble the anatomical texts from which people were studying. Poor, misunderstood, and underrated fascia...
Fortunately research is catching up to what turns out to be a remarkably communicative sensory and proprioceptive tissue. What fascia researchers are discovering is pretty amazing not just for movement specialists, but for anyone who simply wants to put their body to good, healthy use. So without further ado, here is some of the newly emerging information about fascia and how you can use it to maximize not just your performance in movement, but also just your plain old ability to feel good and move freely in your body.

1. Fascia is a tensional fluid system

While it’s difficult for us to understand how a support structure could be a fluid structure - because we’re not exactly making hi-rise buildings out of Jell-O - it’s true. Juicy fascia is happy fascia. The best analogy I can give is of a sponge. When a sponge dries out it becomes brittle and hard. It can easily be broken with only a little force because of how crispy it has become. However, when a sponge is wet and well hydrated it gets springy and resilient.You can crush it into a little ball and it bounces back. You can wring it and twist it, but it is difficult to break.

Once we understand that we’re like that on the inside, keeping our fascia hydrated takes on more importance. Our mobility, integrity, and resilience are determined in large part by how well hydrated our fascia is. In fact, what we call “stretching a muscle” is actually the fibers of the connective tissue (collagen) gliding along one another on the mucous-y proteins called glycosaminoglycans (GAGs for short). GAGs, depending on their chemistry, can glue layers together when water is absent, or allow them to skate and slide on one another when hydrated. This is one of the reasons most injuries are fascial. If we get “dried out” we are more brittle and are at much greater risk for erosion, a tear, or a rupture.

2. Variation matters

Movement also gets the hydration out to the tissue as well, but that movement needs to be varied. This meansvariation not just of the movements themselves, but also variation of tempo. Not only does moving constantly inthe same ways and in the same planes put you at further risk for joint erosion (a là osteoarthritis), but you are alsodehydrating the fascia in a particular pattern, thus setting you up for that brittle tissue that injuries love somuch.

The Pilates technique will provide you with over thousands of movement variations all working in differentplanes with different rhythms to achieve ideal body or facial flow.

3. It’s all connected

So drink more water, right? Well, yes and no. Staying hydrated via drinking continues to be important, but ifyou have dehydrated fascia it’s more like you have the little kinks in your “hoses” (microvacuoles), and so all that water you drink can’t actually reach the dehydrated tissue and gets urinated away, never having reached the crispy tissue. To be able to get the fluid to all of your important nooks and crannies you need to first get better irrigated by moving the fascial tissue. You can manually move your fascia for better irrigation like trough specific massage technics or more simple irrigate your whole fascial system through a intelligent exercising that will reconnect your whole body. So thinking of that what better way to connect your body and move intelligently than through Pilates so your movements will teach your soft connective tissue to untangle those gluey bits.

Because of the way we all learn and study anatomy we know that somehow all our body is attached and connected thanks to ligaments, tendons and muscle but to what extend and to what depth?

In anatomy-speak we describe all muscles as having an origin and an insertion. So far we limited our attachments to single our multiple joint actions. That made it sound like the body is taped or stapled to be “attached” at its origin and insertion points - like it’s this separate thing that gets stuck onto other separate things. A very isolated way of looking at connecting the body and that does not explain how a pain in the neck can have its origin in your foot, right? A more clear and true view to human anatomy would be that the facial matrix connects your head to your toes. This is important because it gives us a handier understanding of how you just can’t have something happen to one “part” of your body and not have it affect every other “part” of your body. This brings the dreaded domino effect into a clearer perspective

Many of you have experienced the domino effect without having had a name for it. First, your neck gets injured in a minor whiplash when you were a teenager.But being young and resistant, you ignore it and it gets better. But a few years later working in an office, suddenly you have this nagging shoulder pain with all the extra typing and sitting you’re doing. As the years go by you start to think of yourself as the “tight-shouldered” person, and sometimes you have a pinching pain when you lift your arm. More years go by and you are now not only a “tight-shouldered person,” but you also suffer from occasional low back spasms and have developed plantar fasciitis, which you assume must be because you’re a runner and everyone says running is bad for you so you stop running but the pain still stays. I could go on, and this is just one quick sketch of one type of domino effect out of the infinite possibilities, but you get the idea and I am sure you can think of some client's stories that may have been similar.

The thing these people are experiencing is actually the long, slow drain of an unaddressed compensatory pattern on a body, but in our culture we call it, “just getting old.” The best way to avoid the domino effect is to keep your fascia healthy so that nothing gets jumble dup in the knit of your body and you are therefore at much lower risk for developing a compensatory pattern which, by its very nature, is always going to be global.

So once more what better way than to use the Pilates technique that will teach your students who to be aware of their bad moving patterns to re-establish, re-store and re-connect new ways of moving efficiently for a well balanced and uniformly shaped body. Hadn't Joe already spoke about that in his book "Return to Life"... remember?

4. Its springiness wants to help you out

What do you get when you add juiciness to connectedness? Springiness! When your tissue retains (orgains) its natural spring, the rebound effect of the fascia allows you to use less muscle power, and therefore fatigue less rapidly. Want to jump higher, run faster, and throw farther? You’ll need to pay attention to nourishing the elastic quality of your fascia. That is where the Pilates method is an ideal way to move fascia as Joseph Pilates has based all his method on releasing your inner springs through precise movements. Hence to learn how to find that recoil actions in your body, he developed his Pilates equipment all based on moving with spring tension.

For example, when you run with healthy fascia the force you transmit into the ground gets returned to you through the whole tensional network of the fascia. It’s like you have a little built-in trampoline action going on.So once you’ve done the work to rehydrate your tissue, you’ll want to embrace natural bouncy supple movements hence why Joseph Pilates had such a bouncy technique himself if you watch his videos.

5. It is the largest and richest sensory organ of the body

Now this little tidbit of recent fascial research was as hocker. It turns out fascia is one of our richest sensory organs with between six to ten times higher quantity of sensory nerve receptors than the muscles. So it has been proven that fascia moves faster than muscle and may even be the biggest and fastest sensory organ we have.

This makes your fascia a system of proprioception - i.e. of knowing where your body is in space, but also of graceful full body orchestration of movement. While it’s impossible to not be using at least some of the sensory qualities of fascia (unless you have a disease process that is interfering with it), a way to play with waking up the full potential of your own proprioception is to return, as I already covered, to constantly varied movements.

Referring all this information to the Pilates technique and the latest research of the importance of fascia In our body, we can say that fascia is simply everywhere and responds to everything around and inside of you. It is rather far complex system, that though, can simply be restored and kept healthy through conscious and unconscious movement patterns. Fascia will be moved by what you Think, what you Sense (hence feel) and what you Do with your connective body every second of your day. Your understanding of connecting your mind to your body to your spirit when you move "will lead you to the healthy uniformly shaped body", quoted Joseph Pilates.

So weather you know the anatomy of fascia or not, weather Joe knew this science of fascia in the late 30' (which I really doubt), doesn't matter. What truly matters is that Joseph Pilates most certainly knew what felt right in his whole body when he was moving with full awareness to his full potential to continuously restore all the resources the body had with its inner and outer ability through movement... Just like the fascial system moves you you everyday consciously or subconsciously, weather you understand fascia or not.

I hope that this article has opened up your senses to your 3D fiscal matrix and I am sure you have plenty to chew on for now! So go forth, love your fascia, move in all planes connecting your mind-body-spirit to your work and train happily with the Pilates method "for the greater enjoyment of life", just like Joe quoted in his book "Return to Life"in 1945.

by Brooke Thomas & Iva Mazzoleni

Author of original article "the top 5 ways fascia matters to athletes”Brooke Thomas on

Re-edited and adapted by Iva Mazzoleni.

The Top 5 Reasons Why Fascia Matters To Pilates?

Fascia, your body's hidden hero, is key to movement and injury prevention. Discover how Pilates optimizes fascia health for better performance and pain-free movement.
Read post
18 min

Birth via abdominal incision (the cesarean)

Induced or planned, the surgical act of a cesarean (a birth via abdominal incision) is becoming more and more practical. But how do you prepare for it, how do you recover and what are the advantages and disadvantages?Lack of information about this operation is still common. This is why I hope that this article will inform you more about the sequence and the possibilities of recovery from a cesarean.

Giving birth

When giving birth to a baby, it is sometimes necessary to do a cesarean, whether it is scheduled, decided upon in an emergency, or by the mother’s choice in cases of possible complications. This was my case for my two births via abdominal incision.

When giving birth to a baby, it is sometimes necessary to do a cesarean, whether it is scheduled, decided upon in an emergency, or by the mother’s choice in cases of possible complications. This was my case for my two births via abdominal incision.

Having personally given birth to two little girls by cesarean, I wished to share with you my very positive experience and how I was able to recover very well from this significant surgical procedure which has allowed me to give life to two marvelous beings.

It is very rare that there are positive testimonials from a birth by cesarean and there are numerous women who feel very bad about not having been able to give birth “normally” vaginally and they have a significant feeling of failure which makes them feel powerless after the operation. In addition, the days following the procedure can be difficult and painful and most women have not been physically, mentally and emotionally prepared.However, there are many tips that can help you through this procedure and to recover as quickly as possible physically, mentally and emotionally, so that the experience of a cesarean is not experienced as a failure or something negative.

I hope that with this article and my personal positive experience, I can help and reassure all pregnant women whofind themselves forced to have a cesarean, and that they will have an experience which is as full and as positive aspossible, having as much information as possible in order to prepare sufficiently. Also, never forget that it doesn’tmatter how you are going to, or have given birth, be proud of having carried your child to term and having offeredhim life with the means that you have or that you have been given...

Happy reading.

An increase in the number of cesareans

In 25 years, the rate of cesareans has doubled. The rate was 10,9 % in 1981 a 20,1 % in 2007, meaning one birthout of 5. Around 1/3 cesareans are decided upon during birth when there is distress of the mother or baby, and 2/3cesareans are scheduled. The reasons for this increase are numerous, such as obstetricians currently prescribingmore preventative measures aiming to decrease the risk of fetal distress during labour, the growing number of “riskybirths” due to the increase in average age in mothers and twin births, the medico-legal pressure exerted onobstetricians and the simple fact that women today have the choice to decide how they would ideally like to givebirth.

How does a cesarean take place?

The cesarean takes place in the operating room. An intravenous drip, an anesthetic epidural or spinal anesthesia, and a urinary catheter is placed in order to avoid damage to the bladder during the procedure

The epidural has replaced general anesthetic for most procedures, except in emergency cases or when the epidural is contraindicated. The positive consequences of this anesthetic are also psychological because the new mother is awake and can therefore welcome her baby and if the cesarean is scheduled, she can prepare herself mentally and there is less of a risk of having the impression of “missing the birth". On the other hand, the advantages are also physical because the epidural avoids the uncomfortable awakening from a general anesthetic (nausea, state of confusion and agitation, shivering). Additionally, the young mother is generally less tired and her body begins to heal much quicker .

Next , the skin of the abdomen is disinfected and a sterile operating field is placed. If the partner wishes to be present in the procedure, he will then enter and sit at the head of the patient after dressing in surgical scrubs. He can then chat with his partner without having to see anything of the procedure.

Often, a pressure is felt in the abdomen area at the moment of fetal extraction. As soon as the baby is outside, he is taken to his parents before being taken by the mid-wife (and then eventually handed to the father) for the first checks and handed to the pediatrician who is present in the operating room. The fetal extraction lasts less than 5minutes and the cesarean lasts on average 20-30 minutes.

Nausea, shortness of breath and a light malaise can be felt during the procedure but the anesthetist present in the operating room can, upon your request, make use of other products to reduce these effects.

Obviously, during a cesarean you will not be able to accompany your child as much physically at the birth as you would in a vaginal birth. However, absolutely nothing prevents you from accompanying your child mentally and emotionally throughout the procedure until your child is born with the help of your surgeon. Being as present as possible with the means that you have during the birth will come back to your child and you will bond regardless of which way you give birth. Your emotional and mental presence will have great significance for you and your child when you hear his first cries when he is born. Never forget that you will experience his birth through your state of mind.

Stressing the importance of breath during your surgery is not to be neglected. It is not because your body is numb and you lay on surgery table that breathing has to be forgotten. Inhaling and fully exhaling to empty your lungs and cleanse your body with every breath is so important during your labor, even more so if it is a c-section, as you will oxygenate your body with its most valuable fuel. The body flow stays improved and your tissues benefits massively from it to stay relaxed and not tense or congested because you are holding your breath or shallowing your breath because of the apprehension of the surgery which then tightens the skin and the fascia. Any tightness of fascia willdecelerate the healing process of a scar and cause adherences in the scar and belly area... So remind your clients of the most valuable Pilates tool, breathing. Joseph stressed a great deal on breathing with his clients and so should you for your pregnant ladies and remind them of : "JUZT BREEZE !!!" As Joe used to say with is German accent, "YOU MUST INZ ZE AIR AND OUTZ ZE AIR"...

Your bandages will next be placed and you will be monitored for 2 hours in the recovery or birthing room before being taken back to your room. Breastfeeding is then possible, as well as eating some light food.

The hours following a cesarean

Back in her room, the new mother will still have several tubes in her body : the catheter from the epidural (to ensure a light epidural for 24 to 48 hours), a drip (to nourish and hydrate the new mother and also to inject painkillers or antibiotics), a urinary catheter and a drain.

For the first 4 days following the cesarean, women will have significant bleeding, in general more abundant than after a vaginal birth. It is normal to saturate 5 or 6 special “after birth" pads in the first 24 hours. It is quite normal to have loss for 4 to 6 weeks.

Settle in as best you can in the hoursfollowing the cesarean

How do you settle in the bed ? It is tempting to settle in a half-sitting position, supported by several pillows with the knees raised to avoid stretching the stitches.

However, this position is very bad for the back and blocks blood circulation in the lower stomach. It is better to remain stretched out flatter with a single knee bent, and the foot flat on the mattress .

When you change legs, stretch the bent leg allowing to foot glide on the sheet while exhaling, and then bring the other leg in the bent position while folding in the groin, as if you are pulling on a string attached under the knee. It is important to involve the stomach and the lower back as little as possible when you are moving in the bed. To sit up in the bed, move the two legs towards the chest, and then roll in a single movement towards the side. With the knees grouped as high as possible, push on your arms to put yourself in a sitting position.

Tip : attach a rope or simply the belt of your pyjamas to the bottom of the bed. This will enable you to hoist yourself up progressively (like a mountaineer) in a stretched out position to a sitting position.

24 hours after the procedure

The first 24 hours following a cesarean are rarely the most painful as most women are still under the effects of the epidural or receiving pain killers through a drip

Food is generally light (tea and biscuits are given on the first day, soup the next day followed by the first meal) as the intestinal transit has not yet been reestablished. Its reestablishment generally accompanies gurgling noises and gas which is difficult to evacuate.

After a birth, you will still experience contractions. These are the afterpains : the uterus is retracting to progressively return to its original size before pregnancy (generally 2 weeks after the birth). They also compress the blood vessels to avoid a hemorrhage. This mechanism lasts between 1 and 4 days, with a maximum of 1 week, and is particularly strong the first two days. A few tips to decrease the pain of the afterpains: urinate frequently (especially before breastfeeding) as a full bladder will push the uterus towards the back and will prevent it from contracting.

As you will be bedridden for some time after your cesarean, you will perhaps be receiving some anticoagulants in the days following the procedure in the form of sub-cutaneous injections. You will most certainly be asked to get up from around 12 to 24 hours following the cesarean. The first time you get up is often painful.

Here is some advice :

- Begin by sitting on the side of the bed with your feet placed on theground (if the bed is electric) or in a stool. Straighten yourself up byleaning on your arms. Do not look at the ground.

- Supported by a nurse, cross an arm over your stomach to support the scarwhen you take your first steps.

- Try to keep as straight as possible. Most women are dizzy when they firstget up. The more you move and walk straight up, the quicker the scar willheal and you will prevent build-up around the scar.

- If you get a spasm, lean on a nurse and close your eyes so that you can concentrate on your breathing.

The next day following the procedure, it is important to begin breathing exercises to stimulate lower stomach circulation, which is essential to accelerate the scar’s healing process. Mobilizing your scar and stomach is imperative to ensure rapid healing. The following exercises can be carried out in bed, several times per day, from the first day after the procedure :

- Pre-Pilates Matwork : Footwork
Sitting in the bed, with the legs stretched, energetically extend and bend the tip of the feet, and alternate, and then the two feet together. Repeat20 times.

- Pre-Pilates Matwork : Footwork
Stretched out in the bed, stretch the legs and do 10 ankle rotations withone leg at a time and then do the other leg.

- Pre-Pilates Matwork : Pelvis Tilts (engagement of the back muscles)Stretched out in the bed, with the knees slightly bent, press into the mattress by progressively rotating the pelvis and bringing the stomach towards the spine, and then release. Repeat 20 times.

- Pre-Pilates Matwork : Dead Bug (table top) & Femur Arch
Stretched out in the bed, bring the two knees towards the chest or one at a time (by sliding the feet on the sheet to gently lift the legs). Hold this position and breathe in completely and then release by sliding the legs along the sheet again). Repeat 10 times.

- Pre-Pilates Matwork : Side to Side
After the stitches have been removed : lie on the back, bring the knees towards the chest and then bring the knees together on one side and then the other by "rolling" on the backside. Repeat 10 times.

It goes without saying that constant discomfort and painful contractions are constantly present after a cesarean butthis entire sequence should be done without increase in pain or discomfort. If this is the case, decrease therepetitions or intensity. Listen to your body and try your best to connect to the new sensations in your abdomen and pelvis.

Cesarean: wound care at hospital

Most woman complain of tugging and itching of the cesarean wound.

These are the various abdominal walls which, when they heal heal at different speeds, tug a little at each other. On the other hand, the skin around the scar can feel numb. During the stay in maternity, the bandage around the wound will be changed on average every two days to allow the nurse or doctor to check that the scarring process is taking place as it should. In certain maternity hospitals, the wound is simply left to air without a bandage.

If the wound appears red, swollen, throbbing or oozing, there could be an infection, especially if you have a feverover 38.5°C. Self-care often resolves the problem but antibiotics are often necessary.

48 hours after the cesarean

This is generally the most painful day due to the re-establishment of intestinal transit. Nevertheless, try to walk as much as possible and to do exercices in bed

Often after a cesarean, the new mother feels as if she has been “cut into two" (even though the abdominal muscles have been stretched and not cut). She needs to rebalance her pelvis, to regain contact with her body and to feel her muscles again.

Two days after the procedure, you can begin to exercise again allowing you to recenter, to re-energize and rebalance the intra-abdominal pressure of a part of the body which has been immobilized by pregnancy (it is important to do this exercice with an empty bladder) :

- Pre-Pilates Matwork : Single and doule Knee Fallout
Lying on the back, bend the knees, flatten the pelvis, and ensure that thefeet are flat on the ground, open one knee or both knees out to the side not moving the pelvis keeping the belly engaged (as flat as possible).

- Pre-Pilates Matwork : Lolita San Miguels Provressive Pilates BreathingPlace the hands on the stomach and feel the breathing movements and increase the lung capacity progressively. Follow inhalation and exhalation with your hands : on inhalation, the hands rise and stretch, on exhalation, they descend and come closer together. Fully fill and empty the lungs in all three dimension (front, side and back) mobilizing the ribcage by counting to 8counts and progressively expanding your breath to 12-20counts.

- Pre-Pilates Matwork : Engagement of the Centre (TA)
Try to gently draw the stomach (belly button) up and in towards your spine as far as possible by exhaling completely. Imagine wearing a tight highwaisted pair of jean that you need to zipper up.

- Pre-Pilates Matwork : Bridging
Bend the knees and imagine pressing the ground with the soles of the feet, as if you want to transcend the carpet. The pubis rises and rotates, the hollow of the back descends, the back stretches and relaxes, the stomach rises again a little, the perineum is spontaneously brought to the top and your pelvis rotates to the pubis by supporting the backside to the ground by articulating the spine, vertebra by vertebra.

- Pre-Pilates Matwork : Engagement of the Pelvic Floor
Try to mobilize your pelvic floor in the following three ways :
* Make as if you want to retain gas. The anus contracts. Release.
* Contract the lateral walls of the vagina as if you are closing the doors to an elevator. Release.
* Imagine the pelvic floor like an elevator which is closing it's doors and ascending to the penthouse. The urinary sphincter will contract and lift.Release.

How do you optimize scarring from a cesarean?

A cesarean scar is from 10 to 15 centimeters long and is invisible for others to see but it is however always present. It is an indelible relic from this fundamental moment in a woman’s life which is the day that she gave birth to her child

Halfway between a surgical act and birth, the cesarean is ambiguous. It provokes a flood of emotions with the arrival of a baby, while the procedure and the disgust faced with this scar, many women feel powerless by this scar.

Some face this procedure very well, while others have a hard time accepting it: a feeling of failure, of having«missed out» on the birth, numbness in the stomach and disgust when facing the scar are all part of the physical and psychological impact. Many do not dare to touch their scar because they do not know how to handle it. Once they are back home, they feel lost.

The cesarean has become so banal that we have the tendency to forget that it is major surgery. However, we knowthat it sometimes takes several months to recuperate.
All women are not always the same when faced with their scar. It is more a question of skin than a technique of closure; certain scar better than others, but it has been proven that regularly massaging a scar aids in good scarring.

“The impression that a part of my stomach no longer exists”. Certain women get the impression that a part of their stomachs no longer exists. Certain areas of the stomach are numb which can be very confusing. By cutting into the stomach, certain nerves are cut which takes a little time for the nerve network to reconstruct after a cesarean. But feeling comes back little by little and usually after about six months, feeling should have returned

More than a treatment, massage assists in accelerating recuperation and bringing back feeling to the skin but also in bringing back one’s body and in finding a better sensation in the stomach.

I hope that after all this information you as a Pilates teacher can understand more precisely what a c-section means and what you can teach your pregnant ladies for their recovery to prevent any negative or apprehensive feeling associated to this, let's not forget it, often life saving option for the mother to be or/and the child when giving birth. Please keep in mind that if my recovery was successful, it was because I practiced Pilates before, during and after pregnancy. So it will be most important to teach and prepare your client to these suggested exercises before and during the pregnancy for optimal results without taking any risks. Our input as Pilates teacher is of great importance as we can truly help mothers with the Pilates technique to stay connected to the body during all these changes in 9months of pregnancy. Helping your pregnant lady staying connected to herself by applying the concept of mind-body-spirit will help her tremendously to listen to her body and it's wisdom to optimize her recovery process.

Birth via abdominal incision (the cesarean)

Debunking C-section myths! Explore a positive recovery journey with tips for pain management, exercises, scar care, and emotional well-being.
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8 min

"THE TEXT NECK" is becoming an epidemic and could wreck your Spine

The human head weighs about a dozen pounds. But as the neck bends forward and down, the weight on the cervical spine begins to increase. At a 15-degree angle, this weight is about 27 pounds, at 30 degrees it’s40 pounds, at 45 degrees it’s 49 pounds, and at 60 degrees it’s 60pounds.

That’s the burden that comes with staring at a smartphone — the way millions do for hours every day, according to research published byKenneth Hansraj in the National Library of Medicine. Over time, researchers say, this poor posture, sometimes called “text neck,” can lead to early wear-and-tear on the spine, degeneration, herniated discs and even surgery.

Even tough true incidences and prevalences of cervical degeneration are uncertain; however, studieshave shown that 50-67% of adults experience neck and arm pain at some time, and 54% report painpresent within the last 6 months. Today's statistics also show on MRIs, that 25% percent of asymptomaticindividuals under age 40 show signs of cervical disc degeneration (that is one in four individuals!); thisincreases to about 60% in asymptomatic adults over age 40 (that is more than one in two individuals!).

“Neck strains is becoming an epidemic or, at least, it’s more and more common.” Hansraj, chief of spinesurgery at New York Spine Surgery and Rehabilitation Medicine, told The Washington Post. “Just lookaround you, everyone has their heads down.” To understand better how this new poor posture awarenesscan affect your neck and cause inhibiting pains, we want to go over a little more anatomy of this part ofyour body.

The anatomy of your head and cervicals

The anatomy of your neck is a well-engineered structure of bones, nerves, muscles, ligaments and tendons.

The cervical spine (neck) is delicate - housing the spinal cord that sends messages from the brain to control all aspects of the body - while also remarkably flexible, allowing movement in all directions, and strong.

The neck begins at the base of the skull and through a series of seven vertebral segments connects to the thoracic spine (the upper back). With its complex and intricate construct, and the many stresses and force that can be placed on it through a trauma or even just daily activities, the cervical spine is at risk for developing a number of painful conditions, such as:

-Cervical degenerative disc diseaseCervical herniated disc
-Cervical stenosis
-Cervical osteoarthritis
-Simple muscle strain resulting in a painful or stiff neck.

The Cervical Spine: Roles and Functionalities

The cervical spine maintains several crucial roles, including:

- Housing and protecting the spinal cord. A bundle of nerves that extends from the brain and runs through the cervical spine and thoracic spine (upper and middle back) prior to ending just before the lumbar spine (lower back), the spinal cord relays messages from the brain to the rest of the body .

- Supporting the head and its movement. The cervical spine literally shoulders a big load, as the head weighs on average between 10 and 13 pounds. In addition to supporting the head, the cervical spine allows for the head's flexibility, including rotational, flexion/extension and lateral bending motions.

- Facilitating flow of blood to the brain. Vertebral openings (vertebral foramen) in the cervical spine provide a passageway for vertebral arteries to pass and ensure proper blood flow to the brain.These openings are present only in the vertebrae of the cervical spine.

The cervical vertebrae play a key role in maintaining these functions in the neck.

How much weight do you wish to carry on your neck with your smartphone?

Can’t grasp the significance of 60 degree incline and 60pounds on your neck in your 'Text Neck Position' ?

Imagine carrying an 8-year-old around your neck several hours per day. Smartphone users spend an average of two to four hours per day hunched over, reading e-mails, sending texts or checking social media sites. That’s 700 to 1,400hours per year people are putting stress on their spines, according to the research. And high-schoolers might be the worst. They could conceivably spend an additional5,000 hours in this position, Hansraj said. "The problem is really profound in young people,” he said. “With this excessive stress in the neck, we might start seeing young people needing spine care. I would really like to see parents showing more guidance.”

Medical experts have been warning people for years. Some say for every inch the head tilts forward, the pressure on the spine doubles. The effect is similar to bending a finger all the wayback and holding it there for about an hour.

As the tissue is being stretched back for a long period of time, it gets sore, it gets inflamed and injured. This can then also lead to muscle strain, pinched nerves, herniated disks and, over time, it can even remove the neck’s natural curve which will affect furthermore the whole anatomy of the spine causing further issues and pain because of this new misaligned and poor posture.

Poor posture can then cause other problems. As an example, experts say it can reduce lung capacity by as much as 30 percent because of the compression through a misaligned and tight ribcage. It has also been linked to headaches and neurological issues, depression and heart disease.

“While it is nearly impossible to avoid todays technologies that cause these issues, individuals should make an effort to look at their phones with a neutral spine and to avoid spending hours each day hunched over,” according to the research.

Smartphone users tips to avoid pain are:

- Look down at your device with your eyes. No need to bend your neck or lift your phone level with your neck.
- Exercise: Move your head from left to right, up & down, forward and back several times. Use your hands to provide resistance and press your head gently against them, first forward and then backward.
- Stand in a doorway with your arms extended and push your chest forward to open the ribcage.
- Stand against a wall to teach proper head alignment in relation to the rest of your body. Three points of contact should touch the wall: head, upper back and pelvis should be touching the wall with the clavicle wide. You will be surprised how many people can not reach back with their heads sufficiently to be in contact with the whole body.

Pilates for a healthy Cervical Spine and a healthy mind

So all our neck strains and injuries due to poor posture are nothing to mess around with, but they don't have to keep you from working out and using your Pilates knowledge

As a matter of fact, Pilates with its carefully controlled movements, will help immensely by releasing and strengthening the neck, shoulder and back muscles. Overdoing it can make things worse, so it's important that you keep your movements fairly gentle, very controlled and absolutely pain free.

As a boxer Joseph Pilates had developed numerous exercising mobilizing and strengthening the neck muscles. He was well aware of how essential and important neck alignment and a healthy neck is going to be for a healthy mind in a efficient body. Apparently he used to stand in front of his window at thePilates studio in New York watching people walk down the streets and would say: "look at this men walking down the street, his head will reach the corner of the street 3 seconds before the rest of his body... He NEEDS Pilates!" Unfortunately a lot of those neck exercises have been taken out of today'sPilates practice as they were misinterpreted and demand a lot of body awareness and body wisdom to be performed safely. Most of our today's clients would not be able to perform his Neck Repertoire with no strain. But this does not mean that because we have taken out Joseph neck repertoire, we should forget about the taking care of our neck. Reintroducing the concepts of his exercises by adapting them to today's clients ability is essential and has never been more needed because of our excessive use of technology. But very little teachers use these concepts and give homework to their clients to maintain a healthy neck... So let's introduce this again the sooner the better.

The first time I was personally introduced to the importance of exercising the neck was in my postgraduate training with Elder Master Teacher Lolitas San Miguel that had developed a whole sequence of Post Pilates exercises including specific Neck and Wall exercises to maintain good posture for better everyday living. After having understood the importance of your neck, there has not been a class, without me teaching my clients to take care of their neck and its alignment. Working your Neck should involve mobilization movements targeting the head, the neck, the scapula and rib cage through progressive breathing.

So the whole aim of bringing more awareness when using your smartphones more wisely was not to bashing technology in any way but to simply be much more cognizant of where your head is in space when you text. So continue to enjoy your smartphones and this technology — just make sure your "head is up"and "mobilize" your neck 3-4 times a week (every second day) to avoid any patterns that can lead to pain.

Taking care of your neck and its strains because of today's modern world has to become an essential part again in your exercise routine if you want to stay healthy in your body and your mind 'for the greater enjoyment of life' just like Joseph Pilates wrote in his book Return to Life.

Text Neck based on an article in the Washington Post written by Lindsey Bever, general assignment reporter, November 20, 2014.Study informations based on the courtesy of Dr. Ken Hansraj M.D.

"THE TEXT NECK" is becoming an epidemic and could wreck your Spine

Feeling neck pain? Text neck caused by hunching over smartphones is on the rise. Learn how it affects your spine and simple exercises for relief.
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17 min

Repressed emotions lead to physical aches & pains

We all know that Pilates is a movement method rebalancing and acting on the Mind, the Body & the Spirit.

Thinking that we can address each on if those bodies independently and separately would be rather foolish as the body acts as one complete and holistic being, integrating our Mind and our Emotions at all times in everything we do and whenever we move. We are just as much what we think, as what we feel and what we do every day, every hour, every second of our life.

Joseph Pilates dealt mainly with people suffering from mechanical and physical distress which caused pains. But in today's times, I cannot stop noticing how much more people suffer from emotional and mental distress causing pains and chronic aches. Joseph was aware of this fast growing world and that men would eventually suffer from the imbalances in the body caused by stress.

Elder Master Teacher Mary Bowen was one of my teachers who has helped me understand and experience how much my own emotions and my subconscious affect my body and my postural behaviour. Our emotional body isway more powerful on us that we possibly are aware of or we want to recognise. Giving it acknowledgement is the first step to better health, I believe. Being aware on which body parts act as a sponge to our emotions and how mobilising these body parts can lead to good emotional health was a life saviour to me in some moments of my life.

I hope that with this sample of information about the science of our emotions affecting our health, based on kinesiology, you will be more aware of the subtleties of the relationship emotions have with our body and our mind.

Think & Feel for Health

Our emotions affect us physically whether we are aware of it or not.

It might be easy to understand that a scary thought gets our heart beating faster, but it can be harder to realise that loneliness, sadness or depression can also affect us physically, and when it comes to more complex emotions or illnesses few of us consider our emotions to have any relevance.

Emotions that are freely experienced and expressed without judgment or attachment tend to flow fluidly. On the other hand, repressed emotions (especially fearful or negative ones) can zap mental energy and lead to health problems...

It's important to recognise our thoughts and emotions and be aware of the impact they have - not only on each other, but also on our bodies, behaviour, and relationships.

Generally speaking, we tend to think of our bodies and minds as separate systems and believe they function, for the most part, independently. Yet instinctively we know that is not the whole story. Understanding the body-mind relationship won’t necessarily cure all our physical difficulties, but by learning the language of symptoms and illness we can discover what is being repressed or ignored in our psyche and emotions, and how this is influencing our well-being. From this vantage point we can discover that there is an extraordinarily intimate three-way communication going on between our body, our mind and our emotions that affects both our physical state and our mental and emotional health.

By brining your attention to our emotions, I am not trying to convince anyone that the sole reason for illness is in our emotions. Nor am I saying that by understanding how the mind, body and emotions work together that we’ll be able to miraculously cure ourselves.

What I believe although is that the role of the mind and emotions in our state of health is a vital one. By understanding this relationship they have to one an other we can claim a greater role in our own well-being. It is only a part of the overall picture, but it is the part that is invariably overlooked.

The Pilates method helps us move from the inside to the outside. Being able to integrate how we feel when we move with the method is creating that inner flow from the inside to the outside. Being more sensitive to our inner balance will strengthen our immune system, strengthen us from within and evacuate any repressed tensions for better general health and for the “Greater Enjoyment of Life”, like Joe would claim!


In this very brief and short description of different emotions leading to illnesses you will be able to awaken you awareness to the power of repressing your emotions. So try to detect your inner emotional state as soon as possible evacuating the tension physically through movement or mentally through positive thinking.


can cause diarrhea


kidney failure


can cause repeated urinary infections


otitis or earache


angina or chest pain


knee problems


lumbar pain


back pain and stiff neck


shoulder pain


also shoulder pains and a burdening sensation


dental pain, ulcers and abscess


difficulty moving forward, or needing to lift the feet. Pain in the legs, feet or ankles


Knee pain, knees that break, knees that crack, pains in the meniscus: refusal to bend and to “fall to the knees" (to submit) to yield, pride, ego, inflexible character or being contrary, you submit by not saying anything, or abstaining but our knees tell us whether or not we agree with this situation.

- Difficulty accepting comments or criticism from others.
- Problems with authority and rank, ego problems, pride.
- Having to concede in order to save the peace.
- Suppressed or frustrated ambition due to an exterior cause, stubbornness, humiliation.
- Guilty for being right.
- Anger at being too influenceable.


There are several emotional causes linked to pains and arm problems. The arms are an extension of the heart and are linked to the action of giving and receiving, as well as authority and power. Pains in the arms can be linked to difficulty loving what I am doing. Feeling useless, doubting your abilities, which leads the person to retreat into themselves and to take pity on their own suffering.

- They believe that they have to take care of someone.
- Not feeling superior when they have the ”upper hand" on someone.
- Difficulty taking others in their arms and showing them affection.
- I do not allow myself to do things for myself because I judge myself and I remember my strict up bringing, which has damaged me.
- I do not allow myself to take things or I regret having taken something, or I think that I have taken something that I don’t deserve.
- Or something has been given to me out of duty, that I haven’t taken, I feel angry.
- This is linked to having been judged by one’s parents.
- Wanting to trap someone in your arms to have them under your control, but having to let them go again, and then not being able to love them and protect them (a child, for example...).
- Reliving a failed situation, wanting to lower the arms.


These are the parts that carry. The shoulders carry the joys, the pains, the responsibilities and the insecurities. The burden of our actions and everything we wish to do, but we are not permitted to, or what we are afraid to do... We become responsible for the happiness of others, we take everything on ourselves, we have too much to do, we feel overwhelmed, not carried, not supported.

- Possible pains also when you are prevented from acting or when things are imposed on you.
- When you are in a situation you no longer want to be in, you want to do something else, but the lack of self-confidence stops us.
- You lack support, you lack the means. You do not feel assisted.
- A loved one or one of our parents is sad and we would like to take their sadness and their problems and take it away.
- Repressed anger towards a child or another person who which is simmering gently while we do not even give ourselves the right to take a break.
- At work or at home, with our spouse, we feel obliged to submit, we feel dominated and we don’t dare react.
- We feel emotional insecurity (pain in the left shoulder) or material insecurity (pain in the right shoulder).

Stiff and blocked shoulders:
a blockage in the circulation of the heart’s energy, which runs from the shoulder, then to the arm, the arm gives (the right arm) and receives (the left arm). The blockage of energy is often retained in an artery or tissue.

The energy must circulate from the heart towards the arm to enable us to realize our desires.
We wear masks, we lock our feelings, we keep grudges (pains in the trapezius, especially in the left) sometimes towards ourselves. We paralyze our shoulders to prevent ourselves from moving forward and from doing what we really want. We take the burden on ourselves, rather than expressing our demands and our thoughts, for fear of offending the other person. Difficulty or inability to life the arm: deep conflict in the family, difficulty flying with your own wings.
Try to modify, clarify or to let go in terms of the situation that is bothering you.


As a general rule:

distress implodes on the inside and demands to be released.

- Desire to escape or to leave a situation where one feels trapped, but where one remains out of fear of missing something, generally material.
- Self-punishment because you do not have the ability to understand certain things you want.
- Frustration of working hard, feeling pushed to go too far, or or trying to reach your goal in an excessive waywhich demands too much. Mental pressure (stress) tries too escape.

However, in addition the place or the seat of the hernia indicates its emotional message in a more precise and detailed way:

Inguinal hernia:

(in the groin): difficulty expressing one’s creativity, a secret that one is keeping and that is making us suffer. A desire to escape with a person who is unpleasant but with whom we have a connection or with whom we are obliged to be in contact with. We would love to leave and to escape from this situation.

Umbilical hernia:

feelings of nostalgia for the mother’s womb where everything was easy and where we felt totally secure. Refusal to life.

Herniated disc:

interior conflict, too much responsibility, feeling devalued, not feeling on top of what is expected of us, projects and ideas not being recognized. The spinal column represents support. A need to be carried, supported, but difficulty or inability to ask for help.

Hiatus hernia:

feeling trapped in being able to express one’s feelings and experiences. Repressing one’s emotions. Wanting to control everything, not allowing yourself to be lead by life but rather controlling it.


Skin problems very often have their origins at a badly managed or, badly experienced conflict of separation by either the mother or the child due to the fear of remaining alone and a lack of communication. The separation is also towards oneself: under appreciation of oneself as opposed to others around us. Paying too much attention to what others might think of us.


- Anxiety, fear of the future,
- Difficulty in expressing oneself.
- Impatience and annoyance at not being able to resolve a conflict.
- Separation, grief or no contact with a loved one.

In children, eczema can result from too rapid a separation or from a difficulty by the mother in accepting that herchild is no longer "in her”.Weaning from the breast or the mother going back to work again and unexpressed guilt,that the child nonetheless senses and somatisizes as a result. Quarrels or tension in the family that the child senses.Insecurity.


an indirect way of pushing others away out of fear of being discovered, of showing what one really is, because wethink that we cannot be loved the way we are. Because we are rejected, we create a barrier so that others cannot approach us.

- Refusal to have one’s own image, personality or new appearance.
- Ashamed at the transformation’s taking place in their body.
- Difficulty being alone, refusal to identify with the parent of the same sex.


the person is often hyper sensitive and does not fit well in their skin and would like to be someone else. Not feeling recognized, having an identity crisis. Psoriasis is like an arm or with which to defend yourself.

- Need to feel perfect in order to be loved.
- Often a double conflict of separation, either with two different people, or an old non-resolved conflict, which has been reactivated by a new separation situation.
- Feeling belittled or rejected, edgy.
- Protecting oneself from being approached physically, or protecting one’s vulnerability, putting up a barrier.

Sources: books by Lise Bourbeau, Jacques Martel, Claudia Rainville, Philippe Dransart, Philippe Huraux,

Repressed emotions lead to physical aches & pains

Don't ignore your feelings! Learn how repressed emotions can manifest as physical pain and how to release them for better health.
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